Bantu Knot twist out - wet or dry (please share your tips!)

Superfly Sister

Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm looking for some advice

I'm looking to do a bantu twist out either today or tomorrow. It's my first time doing this and I don't know what steps to take.

How do you guys do you bantu knot twist outs? Which gives you the best results? and what's the difference in the results between wet and dry?

If you do your twist outs on dry hair, do you air dry you hair letting your natural curls form first or do you do a blow out?

I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before, I'm VERY new to this way of styling hair :look: I'm pretty anxious about the results.

FY1, my hair is natural, no relaxer since 2006 and I think my texture is 3c.

I'm looking forward to reading your responses :grin:
im relaxed and when i do them on dry hair i moisturize and seal each section and twist it into a knot. sometimes i do about 10 or 6 (3 on each side of my head). when i do 10 they come out tighter but i like do 6 because the way it waves up. i have done it on wet hair once and it just makes it curlier. this may not help since you are natural and my get different results. but i wanted to respond anyway. :grin:
I'm looking for full hair :yep: and I like the idea of doing fewer/larger twists.... I see lots of smaller twists results in tighter/more defined hair not what I'm after so I've taken your points on board. Thank you :D

I'd die of happiness if my results came out like this :grin:

I forgot to mention that I get MAD shrinkage when my hair dries curly, so anything that will help me bring out some length would be great!
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FOR ME... twist outs and bantus work better on wet to damp hair..If I even attempt to do it on dry turns into one huge ball of poof...If your looking for fuller hair...I say go the dry hair route. Maybe Air dry banded hair (or however u prefer to )..and then twist or bantu with a good cream or butter to set it a bit and let it stay in over night. All n All Just make sure it's detangled to the fullest and if u do decide to go from wet or damp hair..PLEASE MAKE SURE IT'S COMPLETELY DRY BEFORE TAKING THEM DOWN, I stress that cause it will save u some knots and tangles. Dont ask how I know :look:
I'm looking for full hair :yep: and I like the idea of doing fewer/larger twists.... I see lots of smaller twists results in tighter/more defined hair not what I'm after so I've taken your points on board. Thank you :D

I'd die of happiness if my results came out like this :grin:

I forgot to mention that I get MAD shrinkage when my hair dries curly, so anything that will help me bring out some length would be great!
Wow! Her results got me wanting to try this! I'm no good a bantu''s the one thing I need to work on. Did she two strand twist it first? I'll have to go back and see if she has a vid on how she did it.