Bantu knot out (pix)


New Member
I put my hair in 8 bantu knots last nite (my hair is currently pressed straight) and took them out this morning and this is what I got.

I'm kinda "eh" about it. Is this how a bantu knot out is supposed to look?

ETA: After undoing each "knot", I gently combed through it.

I may give it another try tonite.


It's pretty, i like it. But i typically finger comb it when i take it down to keep the curls more formed.
This is adorable zz. Yes - that is how its supposed to look - slightly wavy hair. I think it looks fantastic.

When you wash your press out try it on your natural hair. That will be awesome.
Very cute. You've got what I call mermaid hair; that wavy look :yep: All you need to do is string some pearls and jewels in it! It looks really good on you.
I like it. Actually I Really like it. I like the wavy look.

Man I can't wait until my hair grows. I can see my self wearing my hair like this on the regular.
It looks great! If you wanted it to be more curly, then I usually only finger curl to get that effect.

ETA: Are you MBL or WL? I would be so very happy if I had your length, and my hair decided not to grow anymore.
It looks great! If you wanted it to be more curly, then I usually only finger curl to get that effect.

ETA: Are you MBL or WL? I would be so very happy if I had your length, and my hair decided not to grow anymore.

I'm around MBL :grin: And my hair has decided not to grow anymore :look: :grin: :lachen:
Yeah I like it.

If you are looking for more definition and volume:

  1. Bend over at the waist after undoing your bantus and finger comb forward towards your forehead.
  2. For volume do this in front of a fan.
I apply a bit of fantasia gel while I do the above. The gel dries quickly leaving definition and volume in finger combed hair.
I think you accomplished the sexy wavy slightly tousled look with the knots. I like it. I like the fact that it doesn't look overly done. Some bantus I see just look too manufactured, if that makes sense...
I think you accomplished the sexy wavy slightly tousled look with the knots. I like it. I like the fact that it doesn't look overly done. Some bantus I see just look too manufactured, if that makes sense...

THANKS :grin:

I understand what you mean...I wish I had taken a pic of it when I took the knots out this morning before combing them out. It looked soooo different. Like 8 "ropes" in my hair :look:...not that it looked bad, just "different"....maybe I'll take a quick pic next time before combing through.
oooh very pretty.!
I usually don't comb after i take my knots out. i smooth and after an hour thy fall into place perfectly.