bamboo leaf tea....where to buy?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know where to buy bamboo leaf tea. is out of stock. I really wanna try it but I don't want any old knock off that won't work as well. Any doing any silica alternatives to the tea and getting good results? Thanks ladies!
It's available on Amazon...that's where I purchased mine.

I also agree with MileHighhDiva Swanson capsules are cost effective with good results.

I enjoy the tea, but it's more cost effective for me to take these bamboo extract capsules.

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Thanks so much. They have alot of good reviews too including yours so I purchased lastnite. I saw a review on there from a lady saying she heard about the benefits of silica on a hair board. had to be one of our own here I'm sure.

Yes they are out of stock right now. They went as far as to let me purchase and a day later issued me a refund. This is the brand that everyone is pretty much using i think...just wanted to know if there were any good alternatives to try while I'm waiting for them to harvest more bamboo (the reason they are out of stock.....lhcf ladies I'm sure got something to do with it:lol: ) not sure how long that would tske.

It's Bamboo tea sold by and fulfilled by the same company Bamboo Leaf Tea

Most of the Bamboo products are sold on Amazon and fulfilled by that company...I just go through Amazon.

Even though I order through Amazon the owner sends out updates to my email...
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I second the brand.I use it for drinking and hair rinsing.

I order mines via Amazon