Bald spots inhibiting progress...


Well-Known Member
So, as I was flatironing my hair yesterday I started thinking about my hair journey and lack of progress.

My hair in Feb. 2008 when I joined.

My hair yesterday. My self trim is uneven so:ohwell:

Anywho, I should have more growth in 2 1/2 years. Granted I have cut my hair a lot. I transitioned from bone straight relaxed to texlaed in 2008 so I would cut off the bone straight hair to get to 100% texlaxed. From 2009 to present I've been trimming a great deal due to thin ends on the sides of my hair. I thought it was because my hair was layered (which was true) but I finally realized what the real culprit is. I HAVE BALD SPOTS ON THE SIDES OF MY HEAD. I knew the hair was a bit sparser in those areas, but I didn't realize just how bad it was until I took pictures yesterday.

Here's the side of my hair. No matter how much I trim my hair my ends always look like this.

Bald spots that I think are contributed to my hair looking thin.


As you know, this is what a part should look like

My guess is that relaxing my hair is the cause of this. I don't want it to get worse so I think I'm going to stop relaxing. Also, maybe my hair will look better when the top layer grows more. I'm praying this is the case. In the meantime I'm going to stop cutting it every other month.
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This is my problem as well except my spots are in the crown and my temples. I attribute the thinning to abuse of relaxers, genetics, and wearing glasses since the age of 7(glasses have rubbed some of my edges away). Castor oil has helped to regrow some of the edges, but not enough and one side is worse than the other. I am contemplating seeing a dermatologist, but I have a good idea of what they will diagnose - Central Centrifugal Scarring Alopecia - with the recommendation to stop relaxing.
Oh my, it does look like alopecia. I'm even more concerned now. I'm thinking about seeing a dermatologist too. I'd like to know if it will progress beyond the sides of my head.

By the way, your niece is adorable.
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sorry hun.

what have you tried?
i have scarring spots but they are small, but I notice. The lgest is smooth and round, the size if a small pea. They are the result of the absolutely worse relaxer experience
i've had in my life. I don't believe they will come back.

but op yours looks like alopecia. that wear pattern is familar w/how some loose their hair on the crown.

see your derma - and a good one
Thanks HijabiFlygirl. After googling alopecia and looking at the pics. I really need to refocus my problem. I don't even care what my ends look like as long as I keep some hair on my head. I'm going to contact my doctor Monday to see if I can get a recommendation for a derm.
Yes i agree with HijabFlygirl. It looks like you are suffering from Grade 2 Alopecia, Your doctor should give you the support and medical help you need. I hope everything works out well for you. x :yep:
Your hair loss pattern looks exactly like mine. I started going to a dermatologist about 2 years ago and now have much improvement. Had to do Rogaine, steroid ointments and steroid injections. Long process but worth it.
Yes i agree with HijabFlygirl. It looks like you are suffering from Grade 2 Alopecia, Your doctor should give you the support and medical help you need. I hope everything works out well for you. x :yep:

Your hair loss pattern looks exactly like mine. I started going to a dermatologist about 2 years ago and now have much improvement. Had to do Rogaine, steroid ointments and steroid injections. Long process but worth it.

Thanks for the support ladies. I really appreciate it.

Deediamante, its good to know that your situation improved. I hope my experience is the same. At the very least I hope I can prevent it from getting worse.
I have the same look on both sides of my head(except from the part down there is very little hair, including a hairline thats extremely thin for about half an inch back. My mother began perming my hair when I was in the first grade :(. I've been natural for about 2 years now...I haven't relaxed in 3 years. My edges are still barely there, but a tad bit thicker than before. I even stopped braids wth extensions since about November or so. I'm contemplation seeing a derm soon before I give up hope as well. I'm tired of having to cover my non-existant edges up :(
This is my problem as well except my spots are in the crown and my temples. I attribute the thinning to abuse of relaxers, genetics, and wearing glasses since the age of 7(glasses have rubbed some of my edges away). Castor oil has helped to regrow some of the edges, but not enough and one side is worse than the other. I am contemplating seeing a dermatologist, but I have a good idea of what they will diagnose - Central Centrifugal Scarring Alopecia - with the recommendation to stop relaxing.
Unfortunately, I believe that my derm will state the same thing. Like you OP, I too have bald spots that while I attribute them to relaxers, genetics, and braids my fear is that in those areas my hair will never grow. I pray that this is not the case though. Currently, I am transitioning in the hopes that the area will begin to strive once again.
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Aww man sides are thin too, but for me I think the follicles are dead due to the the tension from weaving. Have you ever had weaves or any other styles that caused tension to thos areas? I am sure that relaxer could be the culprit, but I think you would have a diffuse thinning all over and not just focused on the sides.

I am so sorry that you are going through this (((((Hugs)))). IA with you, I think your thin ends are the result of low density in that area.
Aww man sides are thin too, but for me I think the follicles are dead due to the the tension from weaving. Have you ever had weaves or any other styles that caused tension to thos areas? I am sure that relaxer could be the culprit, but I think you would have a diffuse thinning all over and not just focused on the sides.

I am so sorry that you are going through this (((((Hugs)))). IA with you, I think your thin ends are the result of low density in that area.

I was thinking the same thing. Besides that, are you on any medication, BCP's, or do you have any illness that might cause hair loss?

I'm sorry you're going through this OP. Like the other ladies said go to a derm and see what they say. Depending on the cause of loss, avoiding relaxing that area and nightly massaged may help. Nonie had a bald spot that she was able to grow in with essential oil mix.

My temples thinned out the beginning of this year so I understand how you feel. Keep us updated.
Aww man sides are thin too, but for me I think the follicles are dead due to the the tension from weaving. Have you ever had weaves or any other styles that caused tension to thos areas? I am sure that relaxer could be the culprit, but I think you would have a diffuse thinning all over and not just focused on the sides.

I am so sorry that you are going through this (((((Hugs)))). IA with you, I think your thin ends are the result of low density in that area.

Hmmm, I can't think of anything tension related that would have caused it. I don't wear weaves. I do wear half wigs but I believe I had this problem before the wigs. I just never took pictures. Man those pictures really showed me that I had a problem. When I look in the mirror it doesn't look like that.

As I continue to think about this I'm wondering if its due to curling iron burns from when my hair was really short. My stylists used to burn the crap out of scalp trying to get the tiny pieces. But then, that brings up your point about the relaxers, why wouldn't I have thinning all over.

At any rate, I really appreciate the hugs and support.
I was thinking the same thing. Besides that, are you on any medication, BCP's, or do you have any illness that might cause hair loss?

I'm sorry you're going through this OP. Like the other ladies said go to a derm and see what they say. Depending on the cause of loss, avoiding relaxing that area and nightly massaged may help. Nonie had a bald spot that she was able to grow in with essential oil mix.

My temples thinned out the beginning of this year so I understand how you feel. Keep us updated.

I'm on BCP. But no illnesses that cause hair loss. At least not that I know of. I may PM Noni to see what this essential oil mix is all about. I'll definitely keep you posted.

Are you doing anything for your temples?
I'm on BCP. But no illnesses that cause hair loss. At least not that I know of. I may PM Noni to see what this essential oil mix is all about. I'll definitely keep you posted.

Are you doing anything for your temples?

I'm using castor oil, evoo, rosemary, lavendar, and peppermint oils. I'm massaging them into my temples every night. I have only been consistent for a few weeks so it's kind of soon to see a difference. I noticed them thinning in december. There is hair in the area but it is thin so I am hoping that all the follicles aren't "dead".
I have some of this type of deal where the parts are larger than they should be. Not that large but some are much larger than other areas.

Let us know what you come up with.

Also I need to find a good dermatologist in Houston.Any recs ladies?
I think it's because of relaxers. I stopped relaxing my hair two years ago and my sides are getting a little thicker than they were when I was relaxed. They were almost thin as yours..
Hmmm, I can't think of anything tension related that would have caused it. I don't wear weaves. I do wear half wigs but I believe I had this problem before the wigs. I just never took pictures. Man those pictures really showed me that I had a problem. When I look in the mirror it doesn't look like that.

As I continue to think about this I'm wondering if its due to curling iron burns from when my hair was really short. My stylists used to burn the crap out of scalp trying to get the tiny pieces. But then, that brings up your point about the relaxers, why wouldn't I have thinning all over.

At any rate, I really appreciate the hugs and support.

Your right it could be from curling iron burns. I found this article to be very informative:

Some reasons for thinning/alopecia:

Hot combing (microscopic droplets of hot hair oil drip onto and damage the hair follicles)
Chemical relaxing (the severe tingling and burning that occurs when the application directions are not followed may produce inflammation and destruction of the hair follicles)
Tight rollers or curlers used to set the hair (the chronic pulling or traction of the hair may produce inflammation and destruction of the follicles)
Braids with extensions or weaves to style the hair (the chronic pulling or traction of the hair may produce inflammation and destruction of the follicles)
Blow drying (excessive heat applied to the scalp and hot oil droplets may destroy the follicles)
“Oiling or greasing the scalp” (may block the follicles and cause inflammation in the follicles)

Here is the link:

I hope you get to the bottom of this- keep us posted.
I'm using castor oil, evoo, rosemary, lavendar, and peppermint oils. I'm massaging them into my temples every night. I have only been consistent for a few weeks so it's kind of soon to see a difference. I noticed them thinning in december. There is hair in the area but it is thin so I am hoping that all the follicles aren't "dead".

Thanks Loca. Keep me posted about your progress too. I want to know if it starts to work.

Selfstyled, thanks for the info. That was very informative. :yep:
I have thinning on the left side of my temple and my hair is relaxed. I think it's due to genetics, because my mom has always had thin temples. My sister has sisterlocks, and she is noticing that the left side of her temple is thinner than the other side. It's the weirdest thing.

ETA: I had a friend who was natural and both sides of her temples were thinning out badly, so she went to see a dermatologist. I think she was diagnosed as having a form of male pattern baldness.
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