Bald patch from braids

I'm sorry this happened to her. I hear a lot of ladies talking about castor oil helping and scalp massages. She's just going to have to baby it! HTH
I hope her scalp isn't damaged, therefore making it very hard to unlikely for her hair to grow back. She should massage that area daily to stimulate blood flow and use oil as well..... Castor would be good. It would be also best if she start taking a hair vitamin too. There's a product called "Baby Don't Be Bald" I think that may help too, it comes in a jar.
She could try the concoction I used to grow my hair back. My hair loss was not from tight braids though...but it's helped people who had alopecia from whatever reason grow their hair back even after they'd tried cortisone shots et cetera from doctors for a couple of years without success. So it's worth a try. I share about it here.
If her follicles aren't damaged then her hair will grow back on it's own. There are many oil mixtures that are also beneficial for the scalp. I like coconut or almond oil bases these days coz they absorb well. If your sister doesn't see any change in about a month or so then she should see a dermatologist to find out whether she has follicular damage.