Baking soda is white gold....


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I don't know if anyone has already posted on this topic, but I just have to testify for a moment.

I ran out of my clarifying shampoo last night, so I added some baking soda to my CPR shampoo instead. I rinsed it out after about 2-min of massaging my scalp. Then I followed it up with my CON poo.

Ladies, all I can say is, my hair felt as smooth as glass. It had such slip, my knees nearly buckled
from shock.

I followed up with neutrogena's triple moisture mask, colorshines and neutrogena's cond. then did a braid out(my second attempt).

I should add that I did a pre-shampoo treatment with these oils and cond.---> jojoba, coconut oil and Dove moisturizing cond, oh and I added a 1tsb of honey.then sat under the dryer for about 20-mins.

my hair is soooooo shiny, moisturized and gorgeous right now. I feel like doing a cond wash tonight just for the hell of it...tee hee.(I think I've become obsessed with my hair) <font color="blue"> </font>

has anyone else experienced great results with using baking soda as a clarifier??
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

I haven't but thanks for the info! Did you use baking powder or baking soda?
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

Baking soda works great as a clarifier! I think ORS figured that one out with their w/their Scalp Scrub...

Anywho, I used it a few weeks ago as a test, it worked wonderfully! There are two kinds though, there's baking SODA for CLEANING and baking soda for COOKING. We use the COOKING type.

Also, my mom, who has darned near flawless skin uses it to clean her's great for removing excess oil w/out overdrying....
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

I love baking soda.

by the way, thanks Isis for catching my typo.

I use baking soda for almost all types of house cleaning. I had no idea it was versitile enough to be used on hair.

they have the wonders of plastic commercial, I think they need to add baking soda to the mix. lol
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

How much do you use? Would you only add it to shampoo, or can it be added to conditioners?
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

When I use it in my shampoo, I'd say I add about 1 tsp, rub my hands together and lather as usual. I've never tried applying it to my conditioner...
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

Wow...this is the second great tip I have gotten on this forum today. Thanks for sharing it!
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

Thanks again Flame for the info. I've learned that baking soda is very, very alkaline - about 14 on the scale (that's why it's also good to take internally with water if our bodies are too acidic like having a cold, as long as we don't have high blood pressure). So it must be that alkalinity that clarifies our hair...
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

i learned about this from motowngrl last year. i used to add baking soda to conditioner. oooh soo clean but watch out ladies, it will take out your semi permanent color over time.
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

I have been using baking soda with my shampoo for 10+ years. My younger sis graduated from cosmetology school and that's what they were using. Back then we had a lot of waves and gel.
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

<font color="purple">I also found out from MotownGirl's website that she used baking soda mixed with water for a pre-treatment before deep conditioning. It really works wonders to safely remove buildup from gels, oils, conditioners, etc. on the hair and scalp. It's no wonder baking soda is an all-purpose, multi-use item. I'm off to buy some!! Toodles.</font>
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

Isis said:
Thanks again Flame for the info. I've learned that baking soda is very, very alkaline - about 14 on the scale (that's why it's also good to take internally with water if our bodies are too acidic like having a cold, as long as we don't have high blood pressure). So it must be that alkalinity that clarifies our hair...

[/ QUOTE ]
So, then is this OK to use on a regular basis? I thought that our hair should be slightly acidic??
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

I am doing conditioner only washes, and find that baking soda added to my clarifying conditioner is pretty satisfying, Im more than pleased.
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

I have the arm and hammer baking soda and it is suggested for both ingestion and cleaning
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

Good lookin' out. Today was wash day for me, and I used baking soda with my shampoo to clarify. My hair was clean and conditioned.
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

Great post! I find the uses for baking soda infinite. I also use it for my face and body, and find nothing can get you squeaky clean the way it can.
Re: Baking powder is white gold....

L.Mo. said:
Isis said:
Thanks again Flame for the info. I've learned that baking soda is very, very alkaline - about 14 on the scale (that's why it's also good to take internally with water if our bodies are too acidic like having a cold, as long as we don't have high blood pressure). So it must be that alkalinity that clarifies our hair...

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So, then is this OK to use on a regular basis? I thought that our hair should be slightly acidic??

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Yes, our hair needs to be slightly acidic. This procedure may not make our hair alkaline itself, the alkalinity just successfully removes the buildup. I would think we clarify with this only when necessary. I usually clarify anyway about every 4-6 weeks.
Tonight I used baking soda to clarify my hair. I used it the same way describes on her website....mixing 1 TBSP in 2 cups of water. I'm very pleased with the results--my scalp is nice and clean and my hair feels very clean but not squeaky/stripped. I wonder if doing this weekly is too much?
i just started using it as a clarifier and it IS wonderful! I use 1 tsp in a spritz bottle full of water and spritz it right on my scalp and then pour the rest out onto my hair and massage. It leaves my hair and scalp so clean, but not stripped!
Oh it is white gold. It saved my hair a couple months ago from an intensive protein treatment gone wrong. It neutralized the low pH in my hair and in the process got rid of the knots/tangles and dryness...I love it :)
But be a little careful I heard over time it can change your hair color.
Well now, I'll have to try this. I already use it to wash my face with so I have HUGE box of it at home.
carrie said:
Well now, I'll have to try this. I already use it to wash my face with so I have HUGE box of it at home.

I started using this recently, maybe I'm just sensitive but it hurt my face.....did feel soft afterwards though
I love baking soda because you can use it in so many ways. My two favorites are:
  1. Making a baking soda/water paste and massaging it into my hair to remove product buildup. It works like a major charm but it dries my hair out if I do it too often.
  2. Giving my teeth a good brushing by sprinking it on my toothbrush and following up with my regular toothpaste.
If you go to the Arm & Hammer site - - you can find all kinds of neat tips for using baking soda. You might be pleasantly surprised by some of them. :)