Baka Beauty Natural laxer


Well-Known Member
I just ordered this product and it came yesterday and for $14.95 it is so little. I know this is not going to be enough to do my entire head. I'm not natural, I'm relaxed, but I relaxed my hair last October after a year stretch but the relaxer left parts of my hair underprocessed. I did a corrective two weeks later and it still did nothing for parts of my hair that was resistant to the relaxer. Anyhow, it is 3 months later and I need a touchup. I was going to go over the underprocessed parts again with the relaxer but I decided not to because if I keep abusing my hair it will weaken, thin out and eventually break off. I decided to try the Natural laxer and apply it all over my hair, not with the purpose to straighten, but to loosen those curls that are underprocessed. I want to continue to relax my hair and they say that applying Natural laxer works well with relaxers, in fact they say its good to do a Natural laxer before getting your relaxer which is what I'm planning on doing. I don't have enough. I also bought some rhassoul clay which one lady on another forum said that she used this instead of the Baka Beauty Natural laxer and just added some oil and conditioner and it actually worked better. It's also much cheaper.

I'm hoping this will work for me because the demaraction line between the hair that is relaxed and the underprocessed parts is very hard to comb and I don't want to experience breakage. I want the natural laxer/clay to loosen my curl and make my hair soft so it can be easy to comb. I heard of clay, but never paid any attention to it. It's suppose to be a great hair treatment that will soften and loosen curls and cut down on shedding/breakage. I'm so excited and I hope it will work for me.
Don't waste your money. You would need about 2 or 3 of those jars to do your hair if you have thick hair and the results are not all that spectacular.

Go the rhassoul clay or bentonite clay route. Results are better and it's cheaper. :yep: