Baggying with (Mostly) Moisturizer Only - TRY IT!!!!


New Member
So lots of folks on here have talked about the wonder of baggying. Since my biggest fight is growth retention, I decided to try it out.

While my ends were nice and moisturized, my hair was too greasy! Even when I only used a little bit of castor oil, there was still a build up.

So, a few days ago, I decided to try a new method. I sprayed my hair with water until it was just damp, parted my hair into four sections, and then applied moisturizer to each section individually. I then took two teeny tiny drops of castor oil and applied it only to the last 2 inches of my hair (it's APL). I put my hair into a ponytail, put the baggie over it, and went to bed.

WOW! WOW! WOW! :drunk::drunk::drunk:

Not only is my hair nice and soft with a great sheen, it's NOT greasy at all!!!

So, if you want to do the baggy method, but hate when your hair ends up greasy, you should really try this!
THANKS for this NY! I've been experiencing some breakage from heat and have thought about starting the baggy method again. This is motivation. I'm going to try this method with the castor oil.