Baggie/Wet Bun Ladies..Help me Out


Ok, so it's summer time and it's starting to get HOT and HUMID in many sections of the country. I've decided to bite the bullet and try to do protective styles and braidouts for these summer months. My question is, whether or not putting wet/oiled hair into a bun or baggie until the next wash, poses threats of hair goobers! :eek: I mean, can hair get mold or fungus or anything. Like if you leave your clothes in the washer and forget to dry them for a day, they get that FUNK so you have to wash 'em again. Or how people have dehumidifiers in their basement to soak up moisture that brings mold. I feel kinda dumb asking this question but, I was telling a friend my plan to wash and bun and she inquired whether or not it would dry fully and if not, would it be funky. I have extremely THICK hair and it often takes a day and then some for my hair to COMPLETELY air dry. I don't know, my hair is in a bun since yesterday and my next wash is sunday so I guess I'll find out then, if any GOOBERS GREW :ohwell:
I have done this and I wash my hair twice per week so it would be up for 3-4 days at a time. You hair will definitely dry and mine doesn't smell moldy.

You've got me thinking . . . This is actually a good question. The middle of my hair itches like CRAZY when I am doing this and I find myself having to stick hair pins in there from time to time. I end up with a soar scalp at times and can't wait for my next wash day. However, this is the part of my head that grows the fastest. In this case, could the moisture on your scalp be a good thing?

Now that I have confused you even more, bumping for more responses . . .
I mean, I'm especially concerned about the products. So what if you just go ahead and put your hair up wet because, inevitably it will dry. But, there have been suggestions here about bagging your hair while it's sopping with conditioner or oil. Can the products become rancid, especially when concealed in plastic and layered down underneath hair, foam pieces, etc. Then you add the fact that you may be outside in the sun, sweating and blah,blah,blah...ok, now I'm SCURRED :(
I don't put my hair up while soaking wet. I mainly let my hair air dry in a bun at night. If I'm wearing a phony pony in the morning I'll put it on before I leave.
Its not necessary to keep it up til next washing. I let mine down and rebun it and sometime let off the bag to ensure a balanced drying with out it drying out. Mine did get funny even in winter being in the heated buildings. So I bun it after wash and bag it an hour or so later. Gage it based on how fast your hair drys and bag when still very cool not soooping wet.
Thanks for posting this. I've wondered the same thing and never got around to asking about it.
My hair broke from doing the baggie with wet hair and oils. On wash days A LOT of hair would come out when I would detangle in the shower, and I wash my hair every five days. I stopped the baggie method and I no longer have this problem. Maybe I should have done it on dry hair......
I have super thick, coarse hair, which, is getting thicker and thicker. It takes a long time for my hair to airdry, too. I baggie bun my hair while it's damp (not sopping wet) at night. I take it down before I leave the house and put it in a bun (minus the baggie) and will for awhile b/c it's getting so hot.
I wet bun my hair almost every day and have not had any problem with mold. My hair is dry on top pretty quickly and damp underneath when I get home at night. Instead of a baggie, I usually wear a plastic bun cover with a stick to allow air to get to my bun. At night I take off the elastic and put on a velvet scrunchy. My hair is always completely dry by morning.

I have a soaking wet bun method which doesn't leave my hair soaking wet by the end. I CW my hair, detangle with conditioner in the shower, comb through with wide tooth comb (in shower if I have a lot of new growth), rinse, squeeze out excess water, apply leave-in conditioner and oil, comb through with fine tooth comb (in direction I want the bun to be - the most important step), place elastic, then BLOT the top of my hair and my ponytail with a towel.

Then I put on my bun cover and drive to work with a satin scarf tied over my head like a wave cap, to beat down my new growth. :lol: HTH
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