Baggie Method???


Active Member
I'm new to the forums, so please excuse my ignorance. :) Can someone explain this to me? Does this work for short (chin legnth),relaxed hair? How often should you do it?
As long as your hair can go into a ponytail, you can. You can baggy every night if you want to.:yep:
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So, is this just letting any moisturizing conditioner sit in over night or is their a special product concoction that I need to make?
Yea, i had a few questions about baggying too. For those who baggy every night, do you baggy only the ends? Or do you add conditioner to the whole hair and baggie the whole thing? Also, what products are you guys using to baggy the hair? Thanks in advance for your responses.
Baggying makes a world of difference. I just part my hair down the center and make two pigtails. I put oil on the ends (castor, coconut, indian.... castor oil works best when my hair's really dry), roll it into a mini bun, then cover with a plastic sandwich bag (the kind without the zippers) and a rubber band over the bag to hold it in place. I've read that some people put oil in the bag instead but I put my oil on the hair. It works great on keeping the ends moisturized. And the beauty of it is, you can use them under phony ponies! :D


- I just put the oil (or conditioner or moisturizer) on my hair from the rubberband (I use the ouchless) down to the tips. BUT I make sure to hit up the rest of my hair with oil. When it comes to my kitchen, I do a light dust of s-curl then seal it with oil. (my hair lubs oil)

You can use it every night (I started doing it about a month ago religiously) and I only use oils with mine.... but you can do a blend of oils and conditioner, etc. I don't saturate it too heavy but I do lube it up good :lol: It's absorbed by the next day. When I take it down I usually wear it in an updo. It's made a world of difference in the condition of my hair. I don't have much breakage or shedding at all. The castor oil has caused my hairline to thicken up a little too so it's a good thing.
