Baggie Method and Puffs

Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
A'ight, so as most of ya'll know, I cut off my relaxed ends about 2 weeks ago and am fully natural. YAY!

The Honeymoon is over!

I had been wearing my hair in a bun and doing the baggie method for 14 months and was planning to continue , but the puff ain't trying to hear about a baggie. :orders:

I have up to 7 inches of natural hair and it's long enough to pull into a puff but the puff is too big to wrap a baggie around and cover without looking crazy. I tried tying a scarf over it (to cover up the baggie) and it looks 'small yellow bus' special. I'm really worried about my ends being exposed and staying moisturized. Not to mention that I find that the puff gets hellishly tangly and I find more hair in my brush during wash times than I'm comfortable with.

Now, I know I can do twists, etc - but I really would prefer to do a style where I can keep the ends constantly moisturized. Any advice is appreciated.

Help a sista out. I don't want my June update to feature an anorexic puff. :cry2:
Try wearing a plastic cap (like the plastic cap people use for deep conditioning) over all of your loose hair at night. I tried this for like a week and my shrunken puff stayed very moisturized!!! I stopped because I got tired of wearing a plastic cap over my hair at night, kinda uncomfortable. ;)
Poohbear said:
Try wearing a plastic cap (like the plastic cap people use for deep conditioning) over all of your loose hair at night. I tried this for like a week and my shrunken puff stayed very moisturized!!! I stopped because I got tired of wearing a plastic cap over my hair at night, kinda uncomfortable. ;)
I do this as well. I put some leave-in or conditioner and a little oil then I just use the big plastic cap either around my whole head or I braid it and just put the bag around the braids. I always sleep with a scarf so it stays in place. I wear puffs/ponies everyday so the baggie at night is mandatory for me.
nurseN98 said:
I do this as well. I put some leave-in or conditioner and a little oil then I just use the big plastic cap either around my whole head or I braid it and just put the bag around the braids. I always sleep with a scarf so it stays in place. I wear puffs/ponies everyday so the baggie at night is mandatory for me.

Great minds think alike, I do the exact same thing at night with my hair!! :D
Cosigning with the other ladies. I oil my scalp/ends at nite- put a thin plasic cap on and a satin scarf on top. Wear my hair out daily after co-washing and moisturizing.