Bad salon experience!!! In need of encouragement ladies....


New Member
I'm new here, although have been practicing a semi-healthy regimen for about 6 months now. I was working first on getting my hair full and healthy before I started in on working on length. Now that I'm there, I'm working on getting my hair a full, thick shoulder length. In my quest to eliminate direct heat, I decided to start going to a salon to get wet wraps. I can't yet do rollersets, because my hair is too short in the back (nape length inverted "Rihanna" bob).

Well, this was the wet wrap from hell. I got a deep condition, that actually did my hair good, but that was ruined by a thin rat tail comb being raked through my hair like I've never experienced before. I swear, she was dead set on ripping out as much hair as physically possible. I said something to her and she was very offended.

My hair is texlaxed and she had never heard of that before. She got on me for not bring my relaxer all the way to the tips every time I relax. I told her that doing that causes breakage. She told me my hair was "too thick". I told her I liked thick hair, as I looked in disgust at her gelled up sculptured hair.

My hair actually came out soft, but not the flat, straight hair I want, and one spot at my hairline in the back is thinning now!!! I know it will grow back, but what the heck. She said that that is "normal". It is not normal to rip wet hair until it comes out!!!

I am sooooo depressed......How can I get the hair I want if I can't elimoinate direct heat? But I can't eliminate direct heat because my hair is texlaxed. I prefer to texlax because going bone straight really breaks my hair very quickly. I just don't know what to do. :crying3:

How do you all get your hair straight from wraps/roller sets without using a flat iron?
i'm really sorry this happened to you. have you tried wet wrapping at home? or have you tried rollersetting with really small rollers and slicking down the back till it dries? Hopefully, someone can chime in to help. Good luck.
i'm not sure how wet wraps work (seems like way too much manipulation on wet hair), but can't they just roller set the top with small rollers and apply setting lotion to the shorter hair in the back while under the dryer?...
Sorry this happened to you. She should have told you that the wet wrap wouldn't come out very straight-- I've only seen them work on straight hair, not a lot of texture left, and not a lot of new growth. Hopefully someone will chime in and give advice.
OP, watch this video. I used to have the same problem as you. I wanted soft and silky hair but only flat-ironing would give me that. I find that setting and wrapping lotion make my hair sticky and hard. For roller-sets, I use the NTM silk touch leave in cream and fantasia ic serum (look in my fotki). I also do saran wrap treatments to achieve a flat-iron look. Look at this tutorial. HTH!
I am sry to hear wat happened to you.. I got a sewin last night and I am texlax transitioning and I cried @ how much hair was on my shoulders.. but anyway! my hair is never str8.. i air dry and bun so I don't have a clue.. good luck!
Next time, if someone isn't following your directions or is treating your hair in a manner you don't like, you should leave. It's your hair, if you want to keep it then don't let anyone mistreat it.

Take some time and find a stylist you like who will follow your directions (and maybe even let you bring your own wide tooth comb). My relaxed friends who have had bobs were able to get rollersets to straighten out their hair without using a flat iron or blow dryer so it's possible. And, you should probably start practicing at home anyway so that you can start doing your own hair.
I can try the rollersets again. I was thinking of trying again tomorow. My hair feels really healthy, despite all the rip-outs. While I think the deep conditioner was okay, I honestly feel it's the lack of direct heat. It just feels sooo much softer - not the dry, crispy feel I get after flat ironing.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. It makes me feel so much better that people have gone through this before and have suggestions to offer. Because I honestly felt like just giving up and flat ironing my hair or shaving it.

Tonight I think I'm going to cross-wrap like normal, I think it will get it a bit straighter, and probably wear it up in a clip tomorrow to work. Then I'll co-wash and try the suggestions you guys have given.
i'm not sure how wet wraps work (seems like way too much manipulation on wet hair), but can't they just roller set the top with small rollers and apply setting lotion to the shorter hair in the back while under the dryer?...

I agree.

OP, I think you should try rollersetting. and just leave out the nape. My nape was completely broken off after a bad visit to the salon and I would continue to get rollersets and the stylist would just leave the back. and as it started to grow out, they used very small rollers.

I'm trying to get my hair healthy too so I know how you feel. We cant afford any setbacks, I dont use heat and I try not to manipulate my hair much.
Next time, if someone isn't following your directions or is treating your hair in a manner you don't like, you should leave. It's your hair, if you want to keep it then don't let anyone mistreat it.

Take some time and find a stylist you like who will follow your directions (and maybe even let you bring your own wide tooth comb).
My relaxed friends who have had bobs were able to get rollersets to straighten out their hair without using a flat iron or blow dryer so it's possible. And, you should probably start practicing at home anyway so that you can start doing your own hair.

I agree with this. I let go an old stylist because she was also ripping through my hair with the comb, claiming it was the conditioner that made it hard to detangle:rolleyes: I had to let her go. I wasnt gonna let her ruin all my hardwork.:nono:
OP have you tried ponytail setting to get your roots straight?? Before you set, put your hair in a few ouchless ponytail holders and then set. After that do a saran wrap and your hair should come out silky straight.
My hair is natural and I had a stylist blow dry it without first combing it out. Hair was flying all over the place as he exclaimed, "Everybody don't know how to do natural hair...I specialize in it."

I do my own hair now! These ladies are offering good suggestions, so I know you'll find your answer :) I'm sorry you had a bad experience.
This is exactly why I'll never go to a salon again. Black female hair stylists are the worst. They use the same hair techniques on everyone, they don't know how to grow healthy hair, and they're certainly not educated on the latest hair care or products.