Bad News For NTM Fans....


New Member
I noticed that in some locations in my parts that used to carry the entire Neutrogena Triple Moisture line were lacking in my beloved NTM hot oil treatment... So I checked the site and it was still listed there, but I noticed the newest NTM product wasn't there, the anit frizz cream. So I emailed Neutrogena and they promptly emailed me back with the news that the Pure Strength Hot Oil treatment has been discontinued sadly enough. Its the only hot oil treatment my hair's ever loved! So stock up while you can, ladies! Sorry I can't copy and paste the email, but I hope you guys trust me on this one. Also in the email I was invited to join a panel which I will and encourage you ladies to, in case we can sway other NTM products from being discontinued in the future.
For all of you Southern California NTM FOLKS ...They have tons of the hot oil treatment at the Howard Hughs Promenade (NORDSTROMS RACK) $4.99

Thanks for the heads up Metal Kitty... I will go and stock up!!! That is some good hot oil!!
Dogmd said:
For all of you Southern California NTM FOLKS ...They have tons of the hot oil treatment at the Howard Hughs Promenade (NORDSTROMS RACK) $4.99

thanks girl. I will be there bright and early!
I'm not sure if these products are going to be discontinued or not. At my local Walmart they don't carry them any more and it's getting harder and harder to find these products.