Bad Idea? Pretty please.. Answer soon because I want to do this before I go to bed...


New Member
I straightened my hair tonight.

Look girls... I've got some NAPPY hair. I like it, but it's nappy and resistant to any straightening... including thermal straightening.

So I press it. I've found that pressing is the only way to get it straight and silky... instead of straight with lots of volume and slight poofyness. My hair laughs at flat irons and blow dryers. Going under the dryer will staighten out the texturized part but not the new growth.

I also use the one that you put on the stove. I've tried electric, and it just doesn't do the job.

Anyways, there is this burnt smell in my hair. Nothing too strong or nasty... just wierd. Not fruity an sweet like I'm used to my hair smelling.

I was wondering if it would be okay to spray a scarf down with perfume or body spray or something, then put it on my head. Not directly on my head. I plan to use a scarf under it. First I wrap my head in my normal scarf, then the scented one.

Is that okay? Or is it still dangerous because the perfume is alcohol based?
i think it would be okay....i occasionally spray my brush with my vicky's secret body should be fine...just moisturize before you wrap (to be on the safe side!)
Re: Bad Idea? Pretty please.. Answer soon because I want to do this before I go to be

Ok. Thanks for answering! :)