
New Member
OK I have really been getting tired of buns, but right now I don't have any other choice (or do I?). Braids damaged my hair, I am still trying to perfect my roller sets which I think dried my hair out, and my hair is too short to do decent braid outs/twist outs (trust me...tried and FAILED). Besides, they never fully dry. Anyway, one of my clients finally made a comment about my fake bun, well actually he lauged at it which made me feel bad because in my industry, image is everything. I laughed with him, but I was really hurt.

I need some suggestions on some hairstyles for hair that's just past my chin that are low maintenance but not a bun or phony pony. I don't want to get laughed at again.

Thanks for listening
Girl, if you like your fake bun, thats all that matters. Dont let one person's comment or actions affect your own self-worth. We will never be perfect to anyone, so why even try? I say if you like that bun that you were sportin', then by all means continue to do so. I was gonna suggest the rollerset, but you said that you already tried it, so Im sorry that I couldnt be of more help in that department.;)