Bad Hair and Relationships


New Member

How does having hair issues make you feel when interacting with a DH, SO or someone you have your eye on?

Do you feel a little embarrassed, shy, uncomfortable, etc?
Does it stop you hitting the dating scene if you're single?
Would you not date because of how your hair makes you feel?

My edges are quite bad but they're coming back slowly, at last, thanks to this forum. I use proppek, it's a hair fibre building type product. I use it to fill in my hairline to minimise the lack of hair. I'm hoping I can come off it in a few months as my edges are beginning to look darker.

I have to admit, sometimes when I meet a guy the first thing that springs to mind are my edges are what his reaction might be. I know it's not such a big deal but even I appreciate a beautiful head of hair on a woman.

It hasn't actually affected any of my relationships with guys but I have to admit I sometimes am a bit hesitant to start relationships.

Just wondering if anyone feels the same.
don't feel the same,

but I think that is just like anything else that makes you feel less confident and therefore hinders your appeal as a potential dater.

i hope they come in soon and quickly so that you can feel as fab as you should;)
When I feel my hair is looking good, I am just more confident in general. I struggle with my hair too, so I am little sensitive at times, but it's not going to stop me from dating.