Bad Habits To Break lol!


New Member
Going around the house looking like a bag lady just because I am growing out my hair. My faux pas: Wandering around the house with a microwavable heating cap on or my hair always tied up with a silk or satin scarf. Ladies I confess that I have been living in "when my hair gets long zone"...I am doing this for my hair!" I have decided that I need an attitude adjustment and need to balance my home look with some "chic" days. Today someone jokingly remarkded that I looked like a bag lady and they were absolutely right. I had on 2 plastic bags, a self warming shiny silver cap and a heat cap on top of that....a pair of old silk flood pants...a wife beater....(haha) an old shirt and a pair of horrid looking house shoes....This is my standard hair day gear. (for deep conditioning with oil, doing a henna treatment): This is alternated with an old bathrobe...shame shame shame Mahalialee! I just know that the rest of you ladies are total FASHION PLATES...HAHAHAHA!!! As Jerry Springer says: Would you like to tell us about it? /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif I was typing up this post and showed someone what I wrote and they cracked up and said "Wouldn't it be something if Publisher's Clearing House showed up and were waiting to give you a million dollars and you were too afraid to answer the door because of the news photographers?!....well this is indeed a wake up call... /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
My standard "hair day" ensemble is whatever I'm working out in, usually a sports bra, t-shirt and sweats. When my husband sees me in this outfit, he knows it's "hair did" Friday! What's the sense in wearing a great outfit if your head is all wet, oiled up and rolled up and your make-up has all washed off?

No fashion plate here - comfort is key! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Girl, is this something new for you? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I have to say it is not for me. I mean I call it "Let's get UGLY and Enjoy"! What I mean is that why not revel in enjoying all the hair and skin stuff. My major UGLY DAY is Sunday afternoon: I revel in it. I do my special facial massage and facial mask and with that alone, I look like the creature from the green lagoon. I mean Aubrey's Blue Green Algae facial mask or my own green clay one does that, you know?

With my hair, if I am doing a "major" hot oil treatment or special concoction, it will be on Sunday, too. Plus, I've usually had a nice rollerblading time to get nice and dirty, so the oil is going to remove all the gunk /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Like Robin, I am wearing whatever, and a lot of times, I am wandering this house in my undies /images/graemlins/tongue.gif I mean girl, you actually put on a robe...hehehe

And, after the first time of seeing that my complexion was green from the application of a facial mask, I think my boyfriend knows what to expect and deals with it /images/graemlins/cool.gif With the oils, well, I think the thick plastic I run from my bathroom to the kitchen has prevented any major mishaps to the carpet and slips from us. It has those nubby things on both sides /images/graemlins/cool.gif

With Publisher's Clearing House, they are welcome to show up on an UGLY DAY to take my picture. Then, people will have to figure out whether they know me at all, which will be a pleasure to fend off calls for loans /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Happy New Year,

Much Love,

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
With Publisher's Clearing House, they are welcome to show up on an UGLY DAY to take my picture. Then, people will have to figure out whether they know me at all, which will be a pleasure to fend off calls for loans.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jade21, that was sooo funny. Just the other day, they ran one of those Publisher's Clearing House commercials on TV "It Might Be YOU!" and I was thinking exactly that. I don't even fill the things out, but I was already thinking that if I ever DID, I would have to mark the "PCH van visit" date on my calendar so I could make sure to have my hair "did" that day, the house clean and a presentable outfit on. RLOL /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif


Giiiiirl, you should see the rags I wear: I have an old, paint and hair dyed stained white oxford shirt I use on my hair dying days. I also have about three paint and dye stained t-shirts for "Major Hair Days". I always bleach them when I wash to try to get SOME of the stains out, so now in addition to the stains the oxford shirt and one of the t-shirts have rips/holes in them due to the clorox. I also have special little hand towels I use when I'm doing my hair (semi-perm color days, hot oil treatment days). You all should see how I closely monitor that wash load on the days I do laundry. My worst fear is that I won't be there to remove my wash when it's done and one of my neighbors (we have a laundry room in my building's basement) will remove my items and see nothing but my busted-up, heavily stained, dirty-looking towels and shirts! /images/graemlins/blush.gif

But, I have no shame...I'm COMMITTED to this hair growing thang! Girl, I take my hair net and satin scarf to my boyfriend's apartment if I'm spending the night there. I try to put it on AFTER he goes to sleep, cause he teases me so much about it. But, sometimes, the bastard just won't fall asleep! So on it goes to cries of "Oh, no....not the scarf!!" /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Love my scarf AND hair net! /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

(And HE does, he really does! After he stops laughing, he always says I look cute--even though I beg to differ. /images/graemlins/grin.gif But, amazingly my "granny" look has never stopped the "love". /images/graemlins/wink.gif /images/graemlins/crazy.gif He's a keeper!)

I say the "scarf" test is an excellent test of a man's love for you!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
LOL @ all of y'all bag ladies. I agree with you about that love test though BlkMane. He might hate the scarf but it don't stop him from gettin "frisky". heh heh heh And back in my natural days when he would see me just after I took out my braids and washed my hair he would always tease and chase me around sayin he was gonna get him some "Fro Lovin'" /images/graemlins/blush.gif HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
That's how I knew it was TRUE LOVE.
You ladies have me cracking up. I'm either in my workout gear or my 'undies' when I'm doing hair... and that always seems to be the time someone comes by for a visit... I used to get teased until a few of my relatives tried my pomade...(I made a special batch for my nephew in the Army...he loves it). Now they don't think I'm overly obsesssed when it comes to my hair anymore... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
For some reason, on the weekends, I cannot keep my hair wrapped the entire day if I'm in the house. I must feel my comb glide through my hair at least twice.
My bad habits are:

1. Using rubbie bands. /images/graemlins/blush.gif
2. Using fine tooth combs on wet hair. /images/graemlins/blush.gif
3. Playing in my hair more than twice a day, mainly combing. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

Oooh goodness. Now that I think about it, I've gotta stop doing those things. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif