Bad Foods in or Bad Words Out

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I thought this was good to share from the scriptures.

Which is worse - bad food in or bad words out?

Mar 7:14 And having summoned all the crowd, He said to them, "Hear Me, all of you and understand:
Mar 7:15 There is nothing from outside a man, that entering into him, can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man.
Mar 7:16 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Mar 7:17 When He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples were asking Him about the parable.
Mar 7:18 So He said to them, "Are you also without understanding? Do you not understand that everything entering a man from outside cannot defile him,
Mar 7:19 because it does not enter into his heart but into the stomach, and passes into the latrine, thus purifying all foods?"
Mar 7:20 And He said, "That which comes out of a man, that defiles a man.
Mar 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, come forth evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Mar 7:22 thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, arrogance, foolishness.
Mar 7:23 All these evil things come from within and defile a man."

According to Jesus, the food we eat is not such a big deal compared to the words we speak. He said that things entering a man from the outside can't defile him - because they pass through the digestive system and are eliminated. But the evil words we speak show the evil that is still somewhere in our hearts - and when we speak evil, we make our hearts worse. Its a vicious circle.

In Jesus' day, people ate healthy food, and the God-given elimination system was enough to get any toxins and impurities out of the system. Today however, we might eat highly processed food that leaves plenty of toxins in our system. This food CAN defile our bodies because our livers, kidneys, bowels, lungs and skin can't eliminate the toxins fast enough. In this way, we might poison the body, but its NOTHING (here I want to say that I'm not saying that its nothing to be concerned about or that its not important because it is important, just to clarify what I said.)compared to the poisoning of the soul that happens when we speak wrong things.
Let us seek to renounce all elements of the old man that if given place to through speech, further defile and enforce the grip of evil on our hearts.

Let us realize that to speak JUNK WORDS is a lot more damaging to us spiritually and eternally than to EAT JUNK FOOD here and there. I am not recommending junk food - far from it. But to speak junk words is worse. The very speaking of bad words defiles your heart, and makes you more likely to speak them next time. (Isn't this what Jesus is saying in the Scripture?)

On the other side, training yourself to speak words of truth, of faith, of love, if mixed with humility, CAN change our hearts as well for good.

"A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled." (Proverbs 18:20
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This is an interesting perspective, when I went to that Hallelujah Acres meeting last night, that promoted a raw vegan lifestyle, the tie in seemed like a stretch at best.

I think I will let God guide me and do what feels best for me:)
trimbride said:
This is an interesting perspective, when I went to that Hallelujah Acres meeting last night, that promoted a raw vegan lifestyle, the tie in seemed like a stretch at best.

I think I will let God guide me and do what feels best for me:)

That's always the best approach to our lives.

I agree to let God lead you, but I believe that both types of junk are BAD! I think that more churches and ministries need to focus on living healthy both inside and out. The food that we eat may not send us to damnation, but it definitely hurts our bodies, and we as black women need to really make sure that we are aware of that. This scripture by no way means that it's okay to fill your body with junk. If we are really trying to be a soldier for Christ, we need to make sure that we are healthy enough to fight the good fight. I know that really refers to faith, but if your church looks as unhealthy as most that I've been to, you would agree that we have a problem. To ruin your body and then hail that Jesus is your healer seems to be somewhat out of balance to me.

I heard a pastor speak of this once and it really hit home with me. He said that so many people want to turn to God when they have HUGE health problems like cancer or other killing diseases, but we have to first build up our faith and our power in Christ with the small things. Pray through a headache before you reach for the Ibuprophen! Give God a try for the small things so that you will be prepared for the bigger things. He went on to say that so many Christians won't take control of their health. He said that if you can't defeat a twinkie, how will you cast our devils and heal the sick. How can you handle spiritual warfare when you can't even handle a twinkie?

You may not agree with all of that, but you must admit that it's food for thought. Pun intended!;)

(Disclaimer: The following is generally speaking and not about the original poster directly.)

One more thing that has really been on my heart about LHCF and the Christian discussions here. One can really hurt people by saying things even if you say it with a smile and hugs and kisses. It's not necessarily how it's said that's problematic, but what is said and how it effects the people who read or hear it. I personally have read some threads and been so amazed at the things I read people saying. We have to step outside of ourselves and think "If I did not know Christ, but only knew the Christians here on this board, would I really want to be one?" I think many would say "probably not." It's not that anyone is cursing someone or saying bad words, but there seems to be an heir of "I'm better than you" that is disheartening, especially in the off topic forum. We really need to think about whether we are helping or hurting the situation. I know that we feel the need to state our position and minister to the world, but there are better ways sometimes. Sometimes it's best to just be an example. You can reach more people with love than with ridicule.

I'm not perfect, and I'm still growing in Christ-like we all are, but those are just a few of the things that have been bothering me lately. I hope it was all taken in love and not condemnation.

ETA: The second part of this post was not directed to anyone in particular, and no one has hurt me personally. It's just something that's been on my mind lately after reading other threads. I know we have to minister to the lost and dying world, but we have to be mindful about the real messages that we are sending to others. Are we bringing people to Christ or making them run away from Him by making them run away from us? Again, no one in particular.
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DivaStyle said:
I agree to let God lead you, but I believe that both types of junk are BAD! I think that more churches and ministries need to focus on living healthy both inside and out. To say one is worse may give some the idea that it's okay to trash their bodies, which I don't support by any means. If we are really trying to be a soldier for Christ, we need to make sure that we are healthy enough to fight the good fight. I know that really refers to faith, but if your church looks as unhealthy as most that I've been to, you would agree that we have a problem. To ruin your body and then hail that Jesus is your healer seems to be somewhat out of balance to me.

I heard a pastor speak of this once and it really hit home with me. He said that so many people want to turn to God when they have HUGE health problems like cancer or other killing diseases, but we have to first build up our faith and our power in Christ with the small things. Pray through a headache before you reach for the Ibuprophen! Give God a try for the small things so that you will be prepared for the bigger things. He went on to say that so many Christians won't take control of their health. He said that if you can't defeat a twinkie, how will you cast our devils and heal the sick. How can you handle spiritual warfare when you can't even handle a twinkie?

You may not agree with all of that, but you must admit that it's food for thought. Pun intended!;)

One more thing that has really been on my heart about LHCF and the Christian discussions here. You can really hurt people by saying things even if you say it with a smile and hugs and kisses. It's not how you say it, but what you say and how it effects the people who read or hear it. I personally have read some threads and been so amazed at the things I read people saying. We have to step outside of ourselves and think "If I did not know Christ, but only knew the Christians here on this board, would I really want to be one?" I think many would say "probably not." It's not that anyone is cursing someone or saying bad words, but there seems to be an heir of "I'm better than you" that is disheartening, especially in the off topic forum. We really need to think about whether we are helping or hurting the situation. I know that we feel the need to state our position and minister to the world, but there are better ways sometimes. Sometimes it's best to just be an example. You can reach more people with love than with ridicule.

I'm not perfect, and I'm still growing in Christ-like we all are, but those are just a few of the things that have been bothering me lately. I hope it was all taken in love and not condemnation.

Hey sis, point well taken.

I did not know that my thread would cause you to feel as though it would hurt someone here. I posted this because of the other thread and just to share what the Lord had to say about this. Isn't His Word that reigns supreme? I'm just wondering.

And at the bolded, there are only a few of us who post over there, so that really is not my intentions when I share or speak the Word of God to anyone. As a pastor, I'm always up against the enemies tactics not only in my life, but in the lives of others. I have to try to see situations the way God sees them and when I see or hear/read things that I feel I need to speak on, I will and I don't believe that that is something that would have a "I'm better than you attitude." But, satan loves to cause division, especially with the saints so that then others can see and say..."see, I told you so." But, as children, we make mistakes and the Holy Spirit brings correction, in love to us and then gives us the words to say to others.

But, I love all my sisters in the Lord here and I want you all to know that my intentions for this thread was a positive one and not negative.

Blessings to you all.
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Nice & Wavy said:
Hey sis, point well taken.

I did not know that my thread would cause you to feel as though it would hurt someone here. I posted this because of the other thread and just to share what the Lord had to say about this. Isn't His Word that reigns supreme? I'm just wondering.

But, I love all my sisters in the Lord here and I want you all to know that my intentions for this thread was a positive one and not negative.

Blessings to you all.

Please don't misunderstand. The second part of that message was not about you in particular or this thread. I just felt like this thread opened the floor for discussion about the words that come out. In particular, I meant the Bible slapping that's been going on here lately. Mostly in the off topic forum.

I don't think this thread will hurt anyone. It may give them yet another excuse to fill their bodies with junk, but it's definitely a good discussion. The other discussions (not necessarily lead by you) that have taken place over the past few weeks may have hurt others.

I hope I've cleared it up. If not, let me know. I definitely don't want to be an example for the things that I mentioned.

ETA: I attempted to edit my post to clarify.
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DivaStyle said:
Please don't misunderstand. The second part of that message was not about you in particular or this thread. I just felt like this thread opened the floor for discussion about the words that come out. In particular, I meant the Bible slapping that's been going on here lately. Mostly in the off topic forum.

I don't think this thread will hurt anyone. It may give them yet another excuse to fill their bodies with junk, but it's definitely a good discussion. The other discussions (not necessarily lead by you) that have taken place over the past few weeks may have hurt others.

I hope I've cleared it up. If not, let me know. I definitely don't want to be an example for the things that I mentioned.

An you are an example and you have cleared it up.

I gave the Word of God in this thread, scriptures that would help others who may have some doubts about certain things, so that they would have gained some knowledge about what comes out of the heart of man. That was my intentions and nothing more. The one thing that I do know is that the Word of God will ALWAYS open doors of discussion...its how we apply the Word of God to others and where our heart is when we do that will always determine the outcome of a topic of discussion. There will always be people that will feel threatened or just don't want the truth to come forth, period, no matter how sweet and kind and gentle you are. Its not us thats the threat, its the TRUTH and we must always be ready to speak the TRUTH in love, no matter who doesn't like it.

I'm always available to God...or at least I try to be. Most times when convo's come up about 'christians' and others are mocking, or saying things that are not true, most of us don't say anything and usually that convo dies down, whether its in this forum or the OT forum. Sometimes however, we must defend the Word of God by speaking His Word and yes there will be times that it might turn ugly because darkness hates the light. I'm not speaking about people being the light, I'm talking about the Word of God (for all of you who need clarification).

I thank God for you, my sister for standing on the Word and sharing what you know to be right for this hour.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His Countenance upon you and give you, Peace!!!

Gluttony is never a good thing. I feel closer to God and who I was meant to be when I am eating healthy foods loving and honoring the body that has been given to me.
Nice & Wavy said:
An you are an example and you have cleared it up.

I gave the Word of God in this thread, scriptures that would help others who may have some doubts about certain things, so that they would have gained some knowledge about what comes out of the heart of man. That was my intentions and nothing more. The one thing that I do know is that the Word of God will ALWAYS open doors of discussion...its how we apply the Word of God to others and where our heart is when we do that will always determine the outcome of a topic of discussion. There will always be people that will feel threatened or just don't want the truth to come forth, period, no matter how sweet and kind and gentle you are. Its not us thats the threat, its the TRUTH and we must always be ready to speak the TRUTH in love, no matter who doesn't like it.

I'm always available to God...or at least I try to be. Most times when convo's come up about 'christians' and others are mocking, or saying things that are not true, most of us don't say anything and usually that convo dies down, whether its in this forum or the OT forum. Sometimes however, we must defend the Word of God by speaking His Word and yes there will be times that it might turn ugly because darkness hates the light. I'm not speaking about people being the light, I'm talking about the Word of God (for all of you who need clarification).

I thank God for you, my sister for standing on the Word and sharing what you know to be right for this hour.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His Countenance upon you and give you, Peace!!!


Clarification is always good. Thanks for that.
I agree with what you are saying, but it seems as though sometimes we should all take a step back to reflect and see what fruits (if any) are coming from our labor, see whether we are pleased with those fruits, and really see if Jesus is pleased as well. Should anyone speak the word? Yes, but I'm sure you've been involved in different types of minstries and you know that you don't handle street ministry (which is what I think most sites of the internet to be) the same way you would handle a bible class full of believers. There's a different audience so there's a need for a different approach in order to gain souls for the kingdom. At the end of a debate, someone may feel like they had the best speaking points, the best source or authority (of course you have that), and the most thought out words, but if the audience is not led to follow them and their source then what have they gained? They feel like they won the debate, but they lose the election. (Of course the election symbolizes one's decision to follow Christ) I'm not saying that anyone should go against the word, but we should all be more mindful about how we all come across. Our goal should be to spread the good new of Christ and win souls.

Like I said before, some people don't know Christ. They may not even know any Christians IRL. If all they knew was from this site, would they want to be Christians?
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DivaStyle said:
Clarification is always good. Thanks for that.
I agree with what you are saying, but it seems as though sometimes we should all take a step back to reflect and see what fruits (if any) are coming from our labor, see whether we are pleased with those fruits, and really see if Jesus is pleased as well. Should anyone speak the word? Yes, but I'm sure you've been involved in different types of minstries and you know that you don't handle street ministry (which is what I think most sites of the internet to be) the same way you would handle a bible class full of believers. There's a different audience so there's a need for a different approach in order to gain souls for the kingdom. At the end of a debate, someone may feel like they had the best speaking points, the best source or authority (of course you have that), and the most thought out words, but if the audience is not led to follow them and their source then what have they gained? They feel like they won the debate, but they lose the election. (Of course the election symbolizes one's decision to follow Christ) I'm not saying that anyone should go against the word, but we should all be more mindful about how we all come across. Our goal should be to spread the good new of Christ and win souls.

Like I said before, some people don't know Christ. They may not even know any Christians IRL. If all they knew was from this site, would they want to be Christians?[/quote]

Ok. I will then take a step back and reflect and see the fruit that is coming from my labor.

So, I'm assuming now that you are talking about me. On that note, then I will watch to see how I'm coming across to others when I speak the Word of God in love.

At this point, yes, they may want to become Christians. I minister to many people in unorthodox places and many do come to Jesus Christ. One plants, someone else waters, but its God who gives the increase. So, even if its just ONE person on this site who will NOT compromise the Word of God at any level, God will cause the ear to hear that is listening to humble himself or in this case, herself, to come to Him. We are to bring them to the foot of the cross, that's our job as ministers of reconciliation.

I won't stop speaking the Word of God on this site, not even for myself will I do that. The Holy Spirit will bring correction to me if I am speaking outside of myself, that I know and that I am sure of because I know my Father's voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. (Don't take this the wrong way..I'm not saying that I don't listen to sound doctrine and that I can't take correction when correction is due)

trimbride said:
Gluttony is never a good thing. I feel closer to God and who I was meant to be when I am eating healthy foods loving and honoring the body that has been given to me.

I agree with this. I take care of my body as well and it does feel good.
Nice & Wavy said:
Ok. I will then take a step back and reflect and see the fruit that is coming from my labor.

So, I'm assuming now that you are talking about me. On that note, then I will watch to see how I'm coming across to others when I speak the Word of God in love.

At this point, yes, they may want to become Christians. I minister to many people in unorthodox places and many do come to Jesus Christ. One plants, someone else waters, but its God who gives the increase. So, even if its just ONE person on this site who will NOT compromise the Word of God at any level, God will cause the ear to hear that is listening to humble himself or in this case, herself, to come to Him. We are to bring them to the foot of the cross, that's our job as ministers of reconciliation.

I won't stop speaking the Word of God on this site, not even for myself will I do that. The Holy Spirit will bring correction to me if I am speaking outside of myself, that I know and that I am sure of because I know my Father's voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. (Don't take this the wrong way..I'm not saying that I don't listen to sound doctrine and that I can't take correction when correction is due)


Don't worry, I didn't take it personal at all. I try really hard to not be easily offended, just like I try not to offend.

I agree that we should all be lead by the Spirit, and I also believe that the Spirit sometimes leads us in different ways, as there are different plans and intentions for each of us. We all have the same goal, but we are getting there by different paths, and that's fine.:) I don't want anyone to compromise themselves or their faith. I just want us all (this is not limited to you, me or anyone else) to make sure we are bringing them to the foot instead of pushing them away.
DivaStyle said:
Don't worry, I didn't take it personal at all. I try really hard to not be easily offended, just like I try not to offend.

I agree that we should all be lead by the Spirit, and I also believe that the Spirit sometimes leads us in different ways, as there are different plans and intentions for each of us. We all have the same goal, but we are getting there by different paths, and that's fine.:) I don't want anyone to compromise themselves or their faith. I just want us all (this is not limited to you, me or anyone else) to make sure we are bringing them to the foot instead of pushing them away.

Thank you very are a very caring person.
