Bad Braid exp......long vent


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies

I have been hanging around for a while ...Doing cw deep con getting my hair braided waiting two weeks before braiding aging getting a small amount of growth I did the big chop in dec I have been getting my hair braid by the same girl so one day I am coming in the house and a lady passing me by say's she just move here and she does braids (Ann Dolton,IL) greedy me think she is African she will do a better job than Tasha She braids my sister's hair in cornrows for 70 (hair included) they are nice and neat no spaces and holding up well ..Tasha's Braids only last me 4 weeks and I just moved back from TX and funds is low and don't have 100 every 4 weeks for IND. braids So I call and ask how much she says she don't know have to look at my hair I get there with a bag and a half of human hair (Tasha can do my whole head with Ind. and one cornrow with one bag of Human hair) I have 4/ab hair no perm left on the ends she starts raking through my hair with a rat tooth comb I am like WTF I tell her you have to spray the Dark and Lovely braid spray untangle from the root then the comb should glide through then she gets out this big bottle of Pink oil Moist.(when I get home my sister asks me why is the hair so I am like don't use that on my head she says I am not i am putting it on the hair WTF then she runs out of hair and pulls out this bright orange hair to finish with WTF I am like I have to go on interviews and I can't go with orange hair so she finds some 1b then runs out of that so in the front I have two braids with jet black hair and every hair on my head has I braid on it ...not to mention she made me watch low budget african movies from 9:30 untill 7:30 so when she finishes I tell her don't cut it I will do it my self she goes no no I am just doing the ends why I could feel when she cut it was pulling on my scalp ....I am so afraid my little progress will be wiped out but for 150 i can't take them down ...I put pictures in my album
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Well the braids look okay to me but I often wonder when I hear these vents about what's going during the braiding. You said you told her not to cut them but then you let her cut them. Maybe it's me or the type of person I am but when I tell someone not to do something and then they insist on trying to do it I have not problem stopping them. Whether it be getting up or reiterating it with a nice firm "I told you NO". I just go into things with the attitude of it's my hair and nobody cares about it like I do. They just want the money. Next time you find someone new to do you hair you can use this as a learning experience. You know to ask how much hair they need and you give them instructions before they touch your hair. I haven't been back to a salon since I joined this board but you better believe before I'm in the chair they will get instructions on what I want done and I will be very verbal in telling them that I will not pay for service if it's not done the way I want. It's sounds harsh but people are only out for the almighty dollar.:ohwell:
Sorry to hear about your experience, kinchen. Live and learn, I always say.

I thought the braids looked nice.
yes i am such a punk I told her no don't cut then she goes it's just the ends when i felt it pull my scalp i just sat there...I have learned i am sticking with people i know touching my head
AnnDriena_ said:
Well the braids look okay to me but I often wonder when I hear these vents about what's going during the braiding. You said you told her not to cut them but then you let her cut them. Maybe it's me or the type of person I am but when I tell someone not to do something and then they insist on trying to do it I have not problem stopping them. Whether it be getting up or reiterating it with a nice firm "I told you NO". I just go into things with the attitude of it's my hair and nobody cares about it like I do. They just want the money. Next time you find someone new to do you hair you can use this as a learning experience. You know to ask how much hair they need and you give them instructions before they touch your hair. I haven't been back to a salon since I joined this board but you better believe before I'm in the chair they will get instructions on what I want done and I will be very verbal in telling them that I will not pay for service if it's not done the way I want. It's sounds harsh but people are only out for the almighty dollar.:ohwell:


Well you sound just like me.


In future I think it is better to use braiders that have been recommended by someone you know, or where you have actually seen their work. If I see a girl in the street and she has braids I like I usually ask them who did their hair and get the phone number. So far I have not had problems with a braider.

Also, I think you need to be more specific with your instructions. When you tell someone no, say it and mean it. There is no point in telling someone not to do something and then allowing them to do it. If you told her how you wanted your hair and she refused to listen, you should have just left the place.

You told her not to use the pink oil and she used it. You told her not to cut it and she did etc. Sounds to me like this lady cannot follow simple instructions. Next time just leave and you will be happier.;)

On top of all that, knowing you were dissatisfied, you still paid her what she asked for. You should have told her you weren't happy with the style and that you were going to knock a little off the payment because you weren't 100% satisfied because now you're walking around with braids you're not completely happy about.

As far as watching so called low budget African movies, you could have politely asked her to switch the channel.

ETA: I just took a look at the braids and they don't look bad at all! But, of course you have to be happy with them yourself, I guess.
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your experience sounds horrible! i'm mad she tried to put orange in your hair!

i woulda asked for my money back (or part) and walked out as soon as she said that.