Bad advice from top professionals!


New Member
Hi I was speaking to a hair dresser yesterday; it was one of those top salons. Anyway I was very surprised of some of her views considering that her salon is so well respected.

She thought it was ok to relax the hair line of 4b coarse short hair every 3 weeks, oil moisturises the hair and that we do not need too much water; even just spraying water on the hair daily is bad as it contains chlorine.

I was very surprised especially at the last comment as the benefits of water far out ways the trace amounts of chlorine in the water.

I worry about some of these 'professionals' :rolleyes:
Yes ! It's amazing how much they dont know. I heard this stylist speak who does alot of celebrities (I dont want to say his name) but he told this girl her hair needs to be heat trained (natural). He does some pretty important people/celebs and I couldn't believe he said that.
Just goes to show you; no matter how many clients they have or how much money they're making, most of these stylists don't care about hair health, they just want to keep clients dependent so they keep coming back.
Hi I was speaking to a hair dresser yesterday; it was one of those top salons. Anyway I was very surprised of some of her views considering that her salon is so well respected.

She thought it was ok to relax the hair line of 4b coarse short hair every 3 weeks, oil moisturises the hair and that we do not need too much water; even just spraying water on the hair daily is bad as it contains chlorine.

I was very surprised especially at the last comment as the benefits of water far out ways the trace amounts of chlorine in the water.

I worry about some of these 'professionals' :rolleyes:

I'm guilty of doing this to myself when I had the halle berry type cut cause there was no where to hide the new growth. Live and learn:rolleyes:
I saw Tyra's stylist on her show giving an audience member a touch up. He was slapping that perm in her hair (way past the line of demarcation), and on her scalp like he was greasing her scalp.
things will change - everything changes, and for those who do not, they will miss out. Right now there is an ignorant hair population to match ignorant stylists....

But just because we have some new information, let us not look down on those who haven't gotten there yet.

---It was great that you called ahead OP and found that person wasn't for you - and I hope you do find someone that you are comfortable with.

"lest we forget"
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But I was really puzzled?!! she really belived what she was saying and looked down on me for my healthy hair care practices?!!!

This is why I do my hair myself, lol
and we must continue to do so, and seek out eachother until things change.

What makes it so bad is that some of these magazine beauty editors have the nerve to lurk on our forums and blogs.....LOL But for the most part, magazines provide pretty great info.

Keep up the search though -
That's why so many celebrities have awful hair and no hairline. I mean their REAL hair, not the weaves and extensions they sport on the red carpet.
I saw Tyra's stylist on her show giving an audience member a touch up. He was slapping that perm in her hair (way past the line of demarcation), and on her scalp like he was greasing her scalp.

I saw that rush job too, smh. I was so uncomfortable watching lol.
Yep, Michelle Obama's stylist really ticked me off with this. He just wants us to accept our terminal length (aka neck length). *hard eye roll* A lot of stylists really only care about the money.