Back to the drawing board


New Member
I'm still searching for my perfect moisturizing conditioner. So far I've tried:

Humecto - Started off good but now makes my hair feel greasy
Motions Moisture Plus - Left my hair a tangled mess this afternoon. I think I'll stay away from anything by Motions
Smooth & Sleek, Suave Humectress, Tropical Avocado and Aloe Vera - Felt like it did nothing
Elucence - Stopped detangling and doesn't feel moisturizing enough. I still use it for a leave in because I'm trying to finish it.
Moisturefuse - Only had a small sample so can't judge this
LUST - Good for a fresh touch-up but not sure when it'll stop working. I keep forgetting to buy some when I go to the BSS. Maybe it's an omen

*sighs* I'm eyeing Nexxus Humectress but does this come in samples? I don't want to spend more money on something that doesn't work. Summer's coming up so I'll need something good to help against the heat and sun. I feel like this
right now LOL At least out of the last three products I bought, I like the Fantasia IC Polisher.
Have you tried using a clarifying shampoo to see if that will help your moisturizing conditioners work better? Also, you can request samples from I like their Moisture Treatment from their Dry Hair Line. The only downside to the Lanza is that you have to follow up with the detangler to get the slip. When I requested samples they sent me three of each product in their dry hair line. They worked well for me each time. (Except for the shampoo.) Also, I've had very good results with Feria Color Moisturizing Conditioner. (Thx, Tracy!
Can you remember what you used to use before these rec's? what used to work for you? maybe you should consider going back to that?

I would agree with you considering a gentle ph balanced clarifying shampoo to get rid of any current product build up. I love lanza's deep cleansing one. Lanza is very generous with samples when you contact them. I find a good cl.shampoo often makes conditioners perform alot better, as if the hair was 'clogged' up before clarifying. Also, adding a touch of extra virgin olive oil to some conditioners makes them work really well. I love adding this to mizani's moisturefuse but you can add the oil to others. That may make a difference.

Little other handling tips help too e.g. detangling the hair with a wide tooth comb after smoothing on the conditioner and when rinsing out, do so under running water from the shower, again with the comb if you so wish. Its a little step but helps a bit.
I had this problem, too. Make sure your shampoo isn't stripping or drying out your hair. No conditioner can fix that. What is the foaming agent in your shampoo? If it's SLS, SLES, ALS or ALES (sodium/ammonium lauryl or laureth sulfate) look for something gentler like TEA sulfates, sodium myreth sulfate or a coconut oil soap base.

Also make sure your shampoo isn't building up on your hair. If your shampoo leaves a "slippery" feel, you may need to clarify...
When my hair was relaxed I used Aussie Moist conditioner. It made my hair smoother and softer than any product I've ever used. I was amazed! You can get a 16 oz. bottle (if it's not 16 oz then it's 12 oz) for $3-$4 and CVS and Rite Aid often have 2 for 1 sales on the Aussie products. If you give it a try please let me know hoe it goes for you.
Try the clarifying shampoo idea...cause those were some good conditioners you tried and at least two of them should have worked really well. In fact I think I remember reading a post a while ago where someone posted something from the Aveda (could be wrong) people that said you need to do this so that one of their conditioners would coat the hair better.
I do clarify. In fact before I try a new conditioner, I clarify and go straight to the conditioner. I use Elucence's clarifying shampoo and the foaming agent is Sodium Myreth Sulfate. I also use CON. The only thing I used for years before this board was V05 conditioners which never gave me much moisture (my hair was dry as toast) but I used it because my hair stylist aunt swore by it. I also try to comb through with the conditioner in and when I'm rinsing it out. It's a no go. I have to spend at least 20 minutes after a wash with a wide tooth comb getting the tangles out. I've tried the distilled water and olive oil, same thing. It's starting to feel like a losing battle. I think I'll have to stick with something and just use a detangler after but in my mind I'm thinking "Shouldn't a moisturizing condish leave my hair soft enough to comb?"
Have you tried detangling your hair before you shampoo? How about a pre-shampoo oil treatment? That helped with my tangles... And make sure you aren't swirling your hair all over your head when you shampoo. I cringe whenever they show one of those Herbal Essence commercials!
Check out this thread where they discuss shampooing the hair in sections.

I've also read that if relaxed hair mats and sticks together when it's wet that it might be overprocessed.
Sassy, I do all the right things: comb before I wash, wash in the shower, do a hot oil treatment and no swirling of the hair (my hair isn't that long to be swirling anyway lol). I even used a seamless comb. But it maybe be overprocessed since my "aunt" used to swear by pulling the relaxer through and my ends feel funky. I can comb through when it's wet and after I shampoo but soon as I put on the conditioner it's whole other head of hair. I'm starting to think my hair doesn't like me very much LOL
Maybe you can try adding a little castor oil to your conditioner it makes my hair super soft and I have 4b hair.
Jazzy - I agree with BRH - was there anything that worked for YOU for sure before?

I'd say go back to that. I'd give you some suggestions (VERY few, if any, of the conditoners above work for me longterm. I have a whole 'nother list. A long one!
) but I know you MUST be tired of spending money.

Let me know if you want more suggestions. You already got some great ones. It does sound like you're doing everything right - just don't have the right fit yet. :sigh: I know how that feels.

Good luck girl!
Tracy and BRH, I would go back to what I used before I came to this board but what I was using before was just as bad as these. Nothing worked for me before so that's what brought me to these boards. Nothing detangled or gave my the moisture my hair desperately needs. During my V05 years I remember my aunt trying to comb through it and just claiming my hair was hopelessy nappy and tough.

If you can, can you PM me the list of conditioners you have/like. I'm not gonna run out and get them but I'm just curious. Since I'm not working now, I have a lot of time on my hands and nothing else but hair to think of LOL
Hi, Jazz!

Two things I wanted to say to you.

First, your mane is acting up.
Just trying to get you to smile, but I know how you feel. I went through a period before I found some products when I initially was growing out my hair which proved to be utter HELL. Just felt like I was running into one brick wall after another.

Second, I do not believe that it is unreasonable that you are demanding that your hair be relatively tangle-free AFTER you use your moisturizing conditioner. I say if you have a mess, you should definitely be looking for a group of moisturizing conditioners which detangle well.

Now, as far as shampoos, just because I saw someone had posted something about DEA. I will add TEA. STAY AWAY from these. With the sodium myreth sulfate, I frankly thought shampoos with this sudsing agent were much harsher than the sodium laureth sulfate. Left my hair like straw. I avoid that ingredient like the plague

I'm just going to mention two "cheapos" which I have found in my relatively recent drugstore mania trip. Cannot say enough about St. Ives is like butter afterwards, no tangles and soft, shiny, luscious hair. I would highly recommend the Vanilla and Edelweiss or the Aloe and Echinacea. Same thing with Clairol's Fruit Fusions Hydrating Conditioner. Buttery soft, glossy hair with no tangles.

For a deep conditioner I would highly recommend the Clairol Herbal Essences Intensive Blends Conditioning Balm...It's a superior product!

Since you have some time on your hands, I would also recommend that you call Aubrey Organics and get samples of the Island Spice Cream Rinse and the Jojoba and Aloe. If you can also get the Honeysuckle Rose conditioner samples, get that, too. These are in the heavy-duty range in the line for dryness, tangles, and general funk in the hair department
The phone is 1-800-AUBREY-H.

There are so many comments I've read about the VO5 conditioners which are just like yours...just not quite right and the longer you use them, the less you like. I do not think I will be venturing there
I appreciated reading your comments.

Much Love,

I'm stumped...
Yes, a moisturizing conditioner should make your hair easy to comb. I'll just repeat what Jade said: Get sample sized products and see what works through trial and error. Have you tried Aussie 3-Minute Miracle? It used to make my relaxed hair feel very soft and detangled. Aussie says it's a reconstructor, but I don't see any protein on the ingredients list... Unless casein is protein. All I know about casein is that it comes from milk.

Why don't you try the Dudley's Q hair care line They have two great moisturing conditioners - Hair Rebuilder and Moisturing Conditoner.

Also, you didn't mention Mizani. Their MoistureFuse conditioner is one of the best....

All of these products can be found in my favorite BSS - Just For Me...

I hope this helps.
When my hair was relaxed I used Aussie Moist conditioner. It made my hair smoother and softer than any product I've ever used. I was amazed! You can get a 16 oz. bottle (if it's not 16 oz then it's 12 oz) for $3-$4 and CVS and Rite Aid often have 2 for 1 sales on the Aussie products. If you give it a try please let me know hoe it goes for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just want to stress that I tried many other conditioners and when and if I get my hair relaxed again this will be my moisturizing conditioner. I think there are others that have used this conditioner on the board too.
If the hair is damaged or over/underprocessed, very few, if any products are going to work for the hair. If you suspect that your hair is over processed or that your ends need clipping, try to clear up those areas first and then go back to the drawing board.

When the hair is even slightly unhealthy, it will not "act right" or react to most things well. Including but not limited to, a holding a curl, detangling etc.

If this is the case, then I urge you to do something about it. I just find it strange, actually I feel bad, that nothing is working for you. If not, then I stand corrected.

I spoke to friend recently who went through the same problems before. Her hair was underprocessed and at the time nothing seemed to work for her hair. When she corrected this, she found products that worked for her.
