back then the hated on us Now were growing


and they are all on us. I just wanted to say how much you guys have helped me since i joined. I was really excited at first and always talked about the board. My mom thought it was funny and my sister said i was obsessed. Now my mom wants to grow out her low cut caesar with the deep waves and is hooked on NTM and my sister with her forever breaking hair is constantly telling me to ask the "hair heffas" what to use for this and what to use for that. Stupid thing is she will take product advice but when i tell her to stretch relaxers or not to color or she's not trying to hear that. She has finally had to give me my props because my hair is thick and growing (even though i'm battling split ends :swordfigh) and hers is short breaking off and dryer that anything i've had to deal with. so keep up the good work. keep supporting eachother and dont give up on your hair goals because YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
My friend thinks I'm weird......oh well. I want my hair to grow. My bf knows.....he thinks it's cool I have so many sources for haircare 24/7!!!!
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Yeah, people think I'm weird, but they're amazed at my growth (they've actually seen me go from BC to a few inches from bra strap this year) and they want to use the products I use!! They hate, but they want our hair!!! :) gotta love us hair heffas!!! :)
I haven't told anyone about the boards either... I want it to be my little secrete. Now if someone was geniually interested and really wanted to know I would tell them but for now.. I haven't met anyone who really warrants being allowed into the "hair *****'s" club:grin:
mysweetevie said:
I just fought a woman from another hair board. :ohwell: I cant let someone disrespect our LHCF family.

oh Lard GET EMMMMMMMMM!!!!! :swordfigh

i have to admit i say hair heffas too on occasion but its a term of endearment!!! :look: as a matter of fact i think i'm the one who got them saying it!
Guyaneek said:
I haven't told anyone about the board yet :look: its my secret obsession :lol: for now

Mine too. ;) I haven't mentioned it either. I don't want people throwing their negative energy into my goals. :( So, I've kept it on the low. Everyone just thinks I've been lazy and that's why I've been wearing a bun for 9 months! :look:
Everyone goes to me for hair care tips. I thinks its hilarious! I told my friends and bf about LHCF and they looked at me like I was crazy. Everyone knows I'm obsessed.
How do you keep all your treasured hair products from your loved ones seeing them under the bathroom cabinet. I know when I buy new hair products my SO is like wtf. I am like youll appreciate it later.
I have shared somethings w/family and friends, you get mixed messages, but for the most part the ones who thoght negative about LHCF in the beginning always come running for advice in the end, and I tell them if you want your hair to grow and keep it healthy keep your hair appt. and come on a regular basis, Yes :dollar: :dollar: :dollar: pay me or pay your subscription fee!LOL, even though I do hair on the side, you always get a hand full of clients who only come when their broke, LOL, or just to find out what products you've been using. I had a friend say I'm not joining LHCF I can find out from you and I said HELL TO THE NAW! You won't get nothing out of me. Keep sleepin' like ya been sleepin.:lachen: and I'm sooooo serious.
Guyaneek said:
I haven't told anyone about the board yet :look: its my secret obsession :lol: for now

Same here. I haven't told anyone about this board yet except my hairstylist since she gets some girls from this board as her customers.
I haven't even told my mom and sister, let alone any of my best friends!

It's not because I'm trying to "hog" all of the information for myself either. I just don't want anyone trying to discourage me, or tease me about this board, or make me feel like I'm "obsessed" just because I want to do what is healthy for my hair. :nono: So therefore, I'll keep my mouth shut. Now if someone comes right out and asks me and is genuinely interested, then I'll tell them. If not, then I'll be mum about it.

Besides, it's like when you're first starting a work-out routine or a new plan to loose weight. If you tell the whole world about it, they'll either: 1) try to discourage you, or 2) make fun of you if you don't reach your goals. So that's why I don't tell everybody my business. I'll let the results speak for themselves. :)
Crystalicequeen123 said:
Same here. I haven't told anyone about this board yet except my hairstylist since she gets some girls from this board as her customers.
I haven't even told my mom and sister, let alone any of my best friends!

It's not because I'm trying to "hog" all of the information for myself either. I just don't want anyone trying to discourage me, or tease me about this board, or make me feel like I'm "obsessed" just because I want to do what is healthy for my hair. :nono: So therefore, I'll keep my mouth shut. Now if someone comes right out and asks me and is genuinely interested, then I'll tell them. If not, then I'll be mum about it.

Besides, it's like when you're first starting a work-out routine or a new plan to loose weight. If you tell the whole world about it, they'll either: 1) try to discourage you, or 2) make fun of you if you don't reach your goals. So that's why I don't tell everybody my business. I'll let the results speak for themselves. :)

Yeah, I told my family about it and they think I'm crazy and make fun of me so I stopped telling ppl. But now I want to tell certain ppl and that's my problem. I don't want to hijack the thread so I'm gonna start another one about my dilemma. > to start a new thread...<
Next yr, prob around summer time, I'll send out pics, just reg pics of me, i usually email friends pics to update them but the pics will be pics that show my hair length, which hopefully should be at armpit length then and the email will say

Hey guys here are most recent pics of myself, and be like and no thats not a weave, I finally ;) decided to grow my hair out.
naptrl said:
:) gotta love us hair heffas!!! :)

That's what I'M heffas indeed :grin:

MsPortugal, I'm glad you were able to make believers out of your mom & sis.
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and we got cliques within the heffas group, there's the MTG heffas, Scurl heffas, baggie heffas, type 4 heffas, natural heffas, relaxed heffas, texturized heffas...
Naijaqueen said:
and we got cliques within the heffas group, there's the MTG heffas, Scurl heffas, baggie heffas, type 4 heffas, natural heffas, relaxed heffas, texturized heffas...

very multifaceted group we are....
Guyaneek said:
I haven't told anyone about the board yet :look: its my secret obsession :lol: for now

I think it's funny because at first I told EVERYONE about the board, and everyone thought I was obsessed... but now they're like what's the website addy again? :lol:
Candycane044 said:
I think it's funny because at first I told EVERYONE about the board, and everyone thought I was obsessed... but now they're like what's the website addy again? :lol:
nosy heffas :lol:
I dont really tell anyone about this board either unless they really seem serious about their hair. A while ago, a young girl on my block asked me "how the hell did my hair grow that long so fast" she said it seemed like just the other day, I was shoulder length and now (to her) I'm waist length. Then she started complaining about how hair weave and braids took her hair out....which it did (especially the way she was doing things.) I watched her hair go straigth to hell over the course of two years. I told her about this site because I realized that no one product by its self did anything for me, it was my care and dedication AFTER learning what my hair needs. I cant tell her that S Curl, Surge, bunning, etc...will work for her cuz I wouldnt know...well it's been a month and she says she hasnt visited it yet and she is back to her weave...why do I bother :ohwell: :lol:
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I dont really tell anyone about this board either unless they really seem serious about their hair. A while ago, a young girl on my block asked me "how the hell did my hair grow that long so fast" she said it seemed like just the other day, I was shoulder length and now (to her) I'm waist length. Then she started complaining about how hair weave and braids took her hair out....which it did (especially the way she was doing things.) I watched her hair go straigth to hell over the course of two years. I told her about this site because I realized that no one product by its self did anything for me, it was my care and dedication AFTER learning what my hair needs. I cant tell her that S Curl, Surge, bunning, etc...will work for her cuz I wouldnt know...well it's been a month and she says she hasnt visited it yet and she is back to her weave...why do I bother :ohwell: :lol:
Well, you tried to help the child...she didn't want to listen, so back to the weaves she goes!