Back in action Baaaaaay-beeeeee!!!!


New Member
Hope that title showed my excitement.

So I made a thread yesterday that getting my hair professionally straightened messed up my curls...well somehow between last night and this morning they're back!!!

I cowashed this morning and did my fantasia ic gel and my hair is back to normal. I just went to the restroom and looked in the mirror and expected the disappointment I had yesterday and I was so excited about what I saw.

Oddly enough I think it just needed a few washes to get back to normal...whew that was scary!

Thanks for all the advice ladies. I'm still doing a protein treatment tonight just to make sure they are at 100%!!!! Ya'll rock my world:thumbsup:
hot damn your hair is bangin in your siggy pic! :grin: If those are the curls that you thought the heat mess up I can understand your panic.
Whaddup - Whaddup...Brock's curls are back in the game!!!

Do your dance banana-man!!!:yay:

:superbanana:...uh oh, Super banana-man wants in too! Work it out Super banana-man!
Lol thanks for sharing in my excitement! Now i can't keep my hands out of it though:look::look: Bad habit of separating curls when im
Hope that title showed my excitement.

So I made a thread yesterday that getting my hair professionally straightened messed up my curls...well somehow between last night and this morning they're back!!!

I cowashed this morning and did my fantasia ic gel and my hair is back to normal. I just went to the restroom and looked in the mirror and expected the disappointment I had yesterday and I was so excited about what I saw.

Oddly enough I think it just needed a few washes to get back to normal...whew that was scary!

Thanks for all the advice ladies. I'm still doing a protein treatment tonight just to make sure they are at 100%!!!! Ya'll rock my world:thumbsup:

I'm happy for you!