Back from the Lenten Journey


Well-Known Member

Ok. Let’s try this again because I just wrote a long post and posted it and it did not appear. I last posted here On Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Many people associate Lent with Catholicism and I understand why. However, it is a requirement for them. Not for me it is a choice.

My church participates in all Holy Seasons. Advent, Lent, Centering prayer, Examen of Conscience. It is good to be balanced. Some people have never heard of Advent nor do they know what it is about. Anyway this post is not about the church. I will save that for another day.

My Lenten Journey was a journey and I did have test. Nothing with what I gave up either. I gave up LHCF, MYSPACE, Block Savvy, TV (except the news). I was on the Daniel Fast. "lost a few pounds" Near the end of the season in the lat 2 weeks I did cheat and eat dairy products and sugar.

During my season:

I went through a transition. My job moved to another city. Now I have to drive an hour to work every day on 95. I can no longer take Public transportation. I started this commute on March 12 for the first 2 weeks I had anxiety before I would leave for work and when I was leaving. I am a city girl and I was not used to being on the highway every day. During this transition being that I had also given up secular music. I dug out my sermon tapes. My, did I need it. Then Yolanda Adams show started. So I would listen to the station until it faded out and then I would put in a sermon. You talking about praying. I was always praying and still pray when I drive. Every safe merge I make deserves a thank you Jesus. Ever state border I cross deserves a Thank you Jesus. When I walk into my job. Thank you Jesus, When I walk into my Junky apartment thank you Jesus. Now I am thinking of leaving this job because I really am not happy here and on top of that “the most” of my money is in my gas tank.

I heard some life changing sermons during this time. That’s a whole different thread.

I learned that all that other stuff was a waste of time and that I should have had my priorities straight. Wasting good time that God has given us is stealing God’s time. This also is a whole another thread