Back from Louis Licari Salon...


Well-Known Member
I went to Louis Licari salon in NYC this weekend for a consultation with A. Dickey, the author of "Hair Rules." Well, I went in for a consultation and left with the big chop! I'm thrilled. So I wanted to share tips that I learned during my visit:

1. He used Creme of Nature Shampoo (red label) and Rene Furterer Karite Revitalizing Creme to shampoo and condition my hair. He then shingled my hair with Curly Pudding, sat me under the dryer, then sent me on my way.

2. He said not to wash my hair with shampoo for one month, then only wash it with shampoo every 2 weeks. He said that no conditioner in the world can undo the damage caused by shampoo. He said to rinse the hair everyday and do a conditioner wash leaving about 60% of the conditioner in. Doing this will make the hair softer, curlier and less porous.

3. Essential oils like peppermint oil or eucalptus oil have astringent properties and can be used to clean the scalp.

I would highly recommend Dickey if you are ready to do the big chop or if you want to go to a salon that focuses on making naturally kinky, curly or wavy hair beautiful!
caligirl said:
I went to Louis Licari salon in NYC this weekend for a consultation with A. Dickey, the author of "Hair Rules." Well, I went in for a consultation and left with the big chop! I'm thrilled. So I wanted to share tips that I learned during my visit:

1. He used Creme of Nature Shampoo (red label) and Rene Furterer Karite Revitalizing Creme to shampoo and condition my hair. He then shingled my hair with Curly Pudding, sat me under the dryer, then sent me on my way.

2. He said not to wash my hair with shampoo for one month, then only wash it with shampoo every 2 weeks. He said that no conditioner in the world can undo the damage caused by shampoo. He said to rinse the hair everyday and do a conditioner wash leaving about 60% of the conditioner in. Doing this will make the hair softer, curlier and less porous.

3. Essential oils like peppermint oil or eucalptus oil have astringent properties and can be used to clean the scalp.

I would highly recommend Dickey if you are ready to do the big chop or if you want to go to a salon that focuses on making naturally kinky, curly or wavy hair beautiful!

Glad you had a good experience. Thanks for sharing that information!!!! I usually rinse all the conditioner out, but I may try leaving some in.
NappyParadise said:
Hey! Thanks that sounds good! But does he mean rinse with conditioner or just rinse with water?

He means rinse with warm/hot water until your hair feels clean. Then put conditioner in, massage a little bit, then rinse leaving 60% of the conditioner in.
*Bre~Bre* said:
How will your hair stay clean for a month without washing it? Will there be buildup? Are all shampoos bad for the hair?

He said to rinse the hair every day, whenever you take a shower. If you rinse it well, you get rid of all the dirt and debris, but not the natural oils that make your hair soft. He made it seem like you are undoing all your good efforts like deep conditioning, moisturizing, etc. by using ANY shampoo.
ThursdayGirl said:
congraaaaattttssss! Pics?

Ok, I have to go take a passport photo since I don't own a camera and then I'll scan the pic in. It'll be in my siggy when I'm done.
Thats good information to know! I won't be able to do no poo but I can stop being a shampoo hog when I wash my hair. I usually wash my hair w/3 diff shampoos (including a clarifier almost everytime). I am learning that this is not the wisest thing to do. Last time I shampooed I just did 1 washing.
thanks caligirl, wow, it seems like you had a great experience! i will probably go ahead and do my cut with him!

i will try his advice and i'm gonna try to push back my shampooing to once/2 weeks. i usually shampoo once every 7-10 days, depending on how my scalp feels. i love conditioner washes,( shout out to nappyparadise, cuz i luv suave citrus smoothie!), i do it every couple of days. i don't know about washing every day but maybe i will give it a try! i'm just scared that my twists will unravel sooner and i will have to twist more often:(
caligirl said:
Ok, I have to go take a passport photo since I don't own a camera and then I'll scan the pic in. It'll be in my siggy when I'm done.

Cool! Can't wait to see it. I know it looks sharp! :)
Thanks for the update on your visit. I have been conditioner washing for the past three weeks, and it has really helped my hair. I will have to try to leave some of the conditoner in my hair to see how that works out.
Wow. I thought I was doing good by pooing just once a week-- since I condition wash daily.

But now I will push that back to once every 2 or 3 weeks.
With daily cw's, I'd think my hair wouldn't get that heavy with buildup.

I'll still ACV once a week to cut build-up.

Great info, thanks. :thumbsup:
(um, that's supposed to be thumbs up, even though it looks like I'm giving you the finger.:look: )
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Did he say anything about rinsing out the conditioner with cool water as opposed to warm water? Thanks for answering all of our questions!;)
atlien11 said:
Did he say anything about rinsing out the conditioner with cool water as opposed to warm water? Thanks for answering all of our questions!;)

Well in the salon he rinsed it with warm water, so I'm going to do that too.
Good review and while the information seems helpful I just can't see myself going without shampoo...the conditioner washing bandwagon was always something I couldn't get with...maybe one day :ohwell:.
Lanelle said:
Good review and while the information seems helpful I just can't see myself going without shampoo...the conditioner washing bandwagon was always something I couldn't get with...maybe one day :ohwell:.

I didn't think I could go without shampoo either. But when he said "softer, curlier, less porous hair" my ears percked up. That's all I needed to hear. I'm going to give it a try for 1 month.
caligirl said:
I didn't think I could go without shampoo either. But when he said "softer, curlier, less porous hair" my ears percked up. That's all I needed to hear. I'm going to give it a try for 1 month.

So the conditioner will make the hair less porous? Hmm...porosity has always been a little confusing to now I'm wondering if using the wrong shampoo or just a regular harsh shampoo has something to do with the porosity of the hair? Well, I guess it kind of makes sense because some shampoos have very drying agents *shrugs*.
Sounds like great advice. My scalp seems to get dirty and oily really quickly so I dont know I can shampoo only once a month. I thought shampoos made for relaxed/color treated hair were fine:confused: . I dont know what I would use instead of my weekly shampoo.
Lkaysgirl said:
Sounds like great advice. My scalp seems to get dirty and oily really quickly so I dont know I can shampoo only once a month. I thought shampoos made for relaxed/color treated hair were fine:confused: . I dont know what I would use instead of my weekly shampoo.

He said to shampoo every 2 weeks, not once a month. I guess since my hair is so dry he suggested going without shampoo for 1 month to get me back on track. He said just rinse the hair with water and use your fingers to massage your scalp until it feels clean. You can also massage eucalptus oil, tea tree oil, or comfrey oil into your scalp since they have antibacterial and astringent properties (massage the oil into your scalp like shampoo then rinse well with water).
Congratulations on your chop Caligirl. Glad your happy with the experience.

I think A.Dickey's right. I hadn't used any shampoo except a homemade shampoo bar (no sls or harsh surfectants) and diluted castille soap since June 2005. I CW once or twice weekly from August-March.

When I got the BC in March, my stylist washed my hair with the new Pantene relaxed and natural shampoo, which has ALS in it. It seems to have taken my hair about a month of almost daily CW for my hair to settle down. I either use a clarifying conditioner like VO5 kiwi lime squeeze or Freeman awapuhi & papaya condish (has a surfectant in it) when I want to cleanse my scalp a little better. I also massage my scalp well and use warm water to rinse condish, followed by cool/cold water. I've seen no adverse effects from doing CW almost exclusively.

Oh, I rarely use cones or heavy waxes in my products, since I don't use sls/als shampoos.
Dickey is my stylist and I love him to death. The man knows hair and he's such a class act!! :)
I may have to try that. My hair seems to do better when i only shampoo it every 2 weeks. I'll try some co washing it between. Now to find a good natural/organice conditoner to co wash with.
Cheleigh said:
I either use a clarifying conditioner like VO5 kiwi lime squeeze or Freeman awapuhi & papaya condish (has a surfectant in it) when I want to cleanse my scalp a little better. I also massage my scalp well and use warm water to rinse condish, followed by cool/cold water. I've seen no adverse effects from doing CW almost exclusively.

I'll have to check out the V05 kiwi lime. I've heard a lot of good things about it. Thanks for the tip!
caligirl said:
He said to shampoo every 2 weeks, not once a month. I guess since my hair is so dry he suggested going without shampoo for 1 month to get me back on track. He said just rinse the hair with water and use your fingers to massage your scalp until it feels clean. You can also massage eucalptus oil, tea tree oil, or comfrey oil into your scalp since they have antibacterial and astringent properties (massage the oil into your scalp like shampoo then rinse well with water).

mine too caligirl! thanks for posting his tips.