Babyblue's hair


New Member
Babyblue\'s hair

I love your hair! Do you think I can borrow it some time. I love how lush and thick it looks. I wish I was a type 4.
But this is dedicated to you and your beautiful hair. You are one of my new inspirations
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

thank you SoAnxious and Jainygirl
It feels good to be able to get positive support online especially when i have to hear negative comments from my family about how i wear my hair.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

Babyblue, your hair is beautiful. I love your versatility. Every time I look up, you've got a new cute avatar pic!

Don't listen to your family. They don't know beautiful hair when they're staring right at it. Listen to your LHCF family. We won't steer you wrong.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

babyblue said:
thank you SoAnxious and Jainygirl
It feels good to be able to get positive support online especially when i have to hear negative comments from my family about how i wear my hair.

[/ QUOTE ]
Are you SERIOUS?!?
How anyone could give you flack for that beautiful, natural hair is beyond me.

Don't worry, you got us to drool.....oh sorry, didn't mean to get drool in your hair.......let me close my mouth.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

yeah, her album is bookmarked on my purter!!!! shes one of my many hair idols!!!
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

dontspeakdefeat said:
OMG, your hair is absolutely positively gorgeous!!!

Can we say... Feature of the month.

[/ QUOTE ]i second THAT emotion!!!!
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

Babyblue your hair is beautiful, ignore the negative comments. I used to get those same comments, I don't let it bother me anymore. Just keep up the good work in caring for your pretty natural hair.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

Babyblue, your hair is beautiful! I can't believe that anyone would have anything bad to say about it, that makes me sad
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

I cant believe they would say that about your hair!
I would kill to have as much hair as you do

Let me find out that these are family memebers that have two twigs for hair in the first better not be.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

Very nice album. You are an inspiration. I didn’t know hair could still be pulled back and look great even in it’s natural, kinky state. I really needed to look at your album as well some of these other ladies since I have decided to go natural and am trying to deal with my hair.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

Babyblue your hair is beautiful. Congratulations on having such wonderful hair. Keep up the good work!
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

I would address each of you individually but im running out of time so i just want to thank everyone for being so sweet. Im just trying to show the world the beauty and versatility of type 4 hair. Nappy hair does not have to be unmanageable. If you treat it right it it will fully cooperate with u
. Just ignore the ignorant and love your hair.
Re: Babyblue\'s hair

thats what i love about 4a/b hair its thickness..

and Bblue your hair is so beautiful...thumbs up...