Baby Shampoo


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone used baby shampoo to wash their hair.

Do you find that these shampoos do a good job of cleansing while also not totally stripping the hair of natural oils?

I don't use baby shampoo, but I do use a shampoo for kids: Just For Me Conditioning Shampoo. I have found that it cleans my hair without leaving it feeling stripped and dry.
Don't do it! I made the mistake of thinking "It's baby shampoo, so it's gentle. It won't strip my hair"

It felt like I had clarified!!! :shocked: I used J&J tearless shampoo and some accidentally got in my eye. It STUNG! So not only is it far from gentle, it burns your eyes as well! :lol:
It is worth noting that Baby Shampoos are made for consumers who aren't using heavy butters, lotions, styling products etc. Depending on the brand it may still strip your hair...or not actually clean it.
Baby shampoo is NOT gentle on hair, but is, generally, gentle on the eyes (well I guess if your not allergic to the agent like the poster above seems to be) contains numbing agents which are harsh for hair.
The best shampoo bar I ever used was Burts Bees Baby Shampoo Bar. I used it every single day. But I think they quit making it.