Baby Regimen


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies

I need your advice. I have a good friend that is try to get her 1 year old baby girl's hair to grow.

I suggested she use EVOO but she will need a good moisturizer as well.

Any suggestion?
Thanks In Advance!
It's a baby so I personally wouldn't put too many commercial products. Natural cold-pressed coconut oil is good, it's a bit lighter than EVOO and it smells good (my friend uses it and once a week rubs a teeny bit of castor oil mixed w/coconut into the scalp of her daughter).

But I don't have any kids yet so maybe I should let the mommies give you better suggestions. :)
DO NOT use Sulfur 8 or MTG. My sister in law used this on her 1 year old's hair because it is what she used on the older children's hair and it was too strong. Her baby's hair fell out in the crown. That has been months ago, and there have been no signs of it growing back. The skin actually looks scarred. He seriously looks like George Jefferson.
Thanks nurseN98! I will pass this info on to her.
BTW - What beautiful hair you have. I love the texture!

I have a 1 year old and I use EVOO and water in a spray bottle to mist her hair b/f I comb it. I use a widetooth comb and a denman brush (on both of us)

I use shea butter to moisturize--that's it. She is young and I keep it very simple. They don't need tons of stuff on their hair---to me.

OH--when I do pony tails I make sure they are not tight and I make sure they don't pull on her hair line.

Her hairstlyes are afro puff ponytails, 2-strand flat twists and french braids.

Also, I found the Johnson's baby wash/shampoo SOOOO drying and harsh. So I only use it if her hair really needs a washing (done in the tub b/c it is 'no tears') and my husband is not there to help me wash her hair over the sink.

We use diluted Dr. Bronners Unscented on her hair and saw a huge diff. from day 1. If we are doing her hair over the sink--then I do use a little Suave conditioner on her hair as well.
Certainly Not! LizLeila :eek:

For a child that age only natural products will do.

For moisture I was thinking of maybe just water and seal it with EVOO or Coconut oil.

Will this provide the moisture her hair need?
Thanks ayoung1981! I will be sure to pass her this info as well.
Question tho, Is Suave ok for a child of that age?
ITA with the other ladies...for a one year old I would keep it very simple. No surge, MTG, or anything like that. I have a 1 and a 3 year old and I use mostly mango butter as moisturizer and like coconut oil for sealing. Most times, I just moisturize and seal my own hair first and whatever is left over on my hands goes to theirs...that way it isn't goo-gobs of products going on them:lol: I only do conditioner washes on them both, b/c as another posted stated, the baby shampoos are much too harsh. I use either Dove Intense Moisture, Garnier, or Suave conditioners and they work well.

My daughter is one and has a small curly puff. I always make sure to take down her holders at night to prevent any breakage. She also has blanket that has a side of slippery satin fabric-- the other side is cotton. I drape the blanket, satin side up, over her pillow so that her hair does not rub at night. We've never had the baby bald spot issue that way.:D
I don't mean to be rude, however I don't think anyone should be concerned about a 1 year old baby's hair growing.

I think the other posters have given great advice on the care of an infants hair, but at 1 her hair will grow. I would also say to make sure the mother doesn't stress the hair follicles by putting on heavy balls/barrettes and tight ponytails, braids, rubber bands.

Here is a good product to prevent rubbing on the baby's hair. Infant Hair Saver
qtgirl said:
I don't mean to be rude, however I don't think anyone should be concerned about a 1 year old baby's hair growing.

I think the other posters have given great advice on the care of an infants hair, but at 1 her hair will grow. I would also say to make sure the mother doesn't stress the hair follicles by putting on heavy balls/barrettes and tight ponytails, braids, rubber bands.

I share the same thoughts as you. The baby is only 1 year old, her hair will grow when the time is right.
MeccaMedinah said:
I share the same thoughts as you. The baby is only 1 year old, her hair will grow when the time is right.

ITA.:yep: The focus shouldn't be growth at all at this point. Her hair will do that naturally.:) The mom just needs to make sure she gives the baby's hair simple, basic care-- washing and moisture. Nothing too much because simple is definitely best for the kiddies. Right now, a one year old's hair is still changing-- textures, thickness, everything! Just treat it gently and it will sprout in its own time.

and at Seni-- I'll get some updated pics up soon:D
she is just a baby. some people are bald til they are four and grew manes of hair. i wouldnt stress it, let nature do its thing in this case. her scalp is still forming, for heavens sake.