Baby hair


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I have a 2 year old girl. Her hairline doesn't seem to be growing, the hair is one inch. Her right side is to her butt, the left side to her sholderblade. Her hair is growing , I trim to hair even every few months. BUt still short hairline.

I'm really thinking about cutting it all to an inch and starting over.

Any ideas on how to speed up the hairline.
Thanks for asking this quesion because my daughter also has a very thin hair line that does not grow.
My daughter is almost 3 and we've had the same problem. Recently her hairline has become fuller. I braided her hair last night and to my amazement I was able to add an extra braid to each side of her hairline. I think that this new growth can be contributed to the fact that she rarely wears ponytails. I've been putting in medium-sized singles (I can't corn braid). I use lots of water on her hair too. Along with shea butter and oils. HTH
Don't cut her hair to an inch! Many, many babies have wierd hair growth patterns. My own cousin had a bald spot in the middle of her head for a long time, and today she has a head full of long, thick hair (she's 7 now).

Maybe just even up the long parts and let it grow in naturally. Most likely it will start growing right when she gets a little older.
Well, I don't have any children but I do have friends with them. One of my friends in cuban and is married to a black man and two of their children have type 4a/b hair. Her youngest at age 2 had almost no hair. She kept saying that she can't get it to grow in comparison to her first daughters hair which was noticably longer at that age. They have the same type hair. Her husband cut her babies hair eventually and it has been growing in well ever since. So maybe it could be that you are trimming the other hair but not this edge hair. So maybe you should trim the edges to see if it helps grow it. Also, at one point my edges were no where near as long as the rest of my hair so I cut them and eventually noticed that they had caught up in length to the rest of my hair. Strange isn't it?? I read someplace on line that mammals bodies like balance and it talked about hair.

hope this helps. also, if you do have a tendancy to want all of your babies hair to go into a ponytail including the edges, maybe you might want to leave the edges out and try to create a style that doesn't put too much stress on the edges. When I have braids sometimes or even when I am detangling my hair and put in even the loosest ponytail in an attempt to help me detangle in sections I can feel the hair being pulled. So, just because you don't see bumps or the scalp may not be red doesn't mean it's not too tight. That's what I've learned.

2 years old is very very young and her hair will eventually even out. You have to give it sometime. If you must have even hair then go ahead and cut it even. The short part will NOT catch up to the long part. The longer part which is the baby hair will break off (completely natural) and her mature hair will come in. I don't believe it should be a big fuss and long as you keep her hair clean, clamp a barette on it a go on about your day. A 2 year old is not worried about her hair and if adults have snide comments then you really don't need to worry about responding to their ignorant comments.
Kei said:
Hi ladies,

I have a 2 year old girl. Her hairline doesn't seem to be growing, the hair is one inch. Her right side is to her butt, the left side to her sholderblade. Her hair is growing , I trim to hair even every few months. BUt still short hairline.

I'm really thinking about cutting it all to an inch and starting over.

Any ideas on how to speed up the hairline.

you could try massaging her sides with an oil
and maybe slicking it with a little protein gel with oil mix .. that helps my sides grow

You kids are too cute... your daughter looks like my sister when she was a baby ..LOL
ThickHair said:
2 years old is very very young and her hair will eventually even out. You have to give it sometime. If you must have even hair then go ahead and cut it even. The short part will NOT catch up to the long part. The longer part which is the baby hair will break off (completely natural) and her mature hair will come in. I don't believe it should be a big fuss and long as you keep her hair clean, clamp a barette on it a go on about your day. A 2 year old is not worried about her hair and if adults have snide comments then you really don't need to worry about responding to their ignorant comments.


People always have something to say about her hair. I trim her hair because I want easy combing.


example of short parts, no matter how I comb it or what it use it crawls out


I like these braids, but she crys, and they only look good a few minutes


Braids after church, see her short braid. The other side is two times longer
I dont think you should worry because she is still really young. My hair was really fine, no edges and like a type 2 until I was about 4 years old. Then all of this hair came out of no where. Just let her hair takes its course. :)
Dmarie - I never put it in alot of plaits, just the braids, I don't do that often. I will wash and add some dreamcurls and a little bow in the front. I believe it look the best when I comb it like that, but friends say I treat her hair and mine like "white folks hair"

Porche - I'm trying not to, but....

Mecca - My baby's hair is sooo different than my nieces, I guess I will have to wait and see

honieso - I'm try that.

Ayeshia - I'm waiting on it to change, so it will look better. thicker when she was a baby. NOw it's thin and I can't seem to comb it and it look nice longer than an hour
Your baby hair is normal don't cut it. Also, it doesn't look bad at all. Most people inculding me have short edges...over time it should thicken. You have to give it time...she's only 2.
I wouldn't even worry about it. If you want it even for YOU, then even it up. But if you're wanting it even so other folks can stop the snide remarks - shake the dust off your feet and keep stepping. They don't deserve to be in your presence.

ETA: She's a cutie and she looks JUST like you.
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She is simply adorable. If I would see a 2 year old with perfect hair all the time, I would see a 2 year old who can't act like a 2 year old. Messed up hair is part of a 2 year old life. :)
GodMadeMePretty said:
I wouldn't even worry about it. If you want it even for YOU, then even it up. But if you're wanting it even so other folks can stop the snide remarks - shake the dust off your feet and keep stepping. They don't deserve to be in your presence.

ETA: She's a cutie and she looks JUST like you.

GMMP - somedays my nerves are equipped for the stupid stuff. If it was up to me she would have a short cut...But daddy likes the braids

THanks I think she does
ThickHair said:
She is simply adorable. If I would see a 2 year old with perfect hair all the time, I would see a 2 year old who can't act like a 2 year old. Messed up hair is part of a 2 year old life. :)

O-kay! I always say if you wanna see a doll, buy one cus my baby's ROUGH
Your daughter is lovely!
I don't have children, but if my daughter had one long braid and one short braid, I would try to even them out. Don't worry about the edges, they will always be shorter and frizzier than the rest of the hair. It's almost like a law of nature LOL. It looks cute either way. Good luck.
Kei, your daughter is one of the cutest little girls that I've ever seen!!!:babyg: She reminds me of one of my cousins who is 2 years old and her name is Mariah. :)
I wouldn't cut it to an inch all over, but I would even up her braids, maybe just cut her hair to be even shoulder length all around. A lot of people (adults and babies) just have shorter edges. Just let nature take it's course and ignore the ignorant people.
She's a baby don't cut the baby's pretty hair. Babies hair can be strange. My sister's has a three month old. He had a full head of hair. Now it is shedding in spots. Most of the time, babies hair will shed out and then grow back! You have such a beautiful family!
qtgirl said:
I wouldn't cut it to an inch all over, but I would even up her braids, maybe just cut her hair to be even shoulder length all around. A lot of people (adults and babies) just have shorter edges. Just let nature take it's course and ignore the ignorant people.

YEah, I cut her hair on the cool. MY hubby and MIL would have a fit. THe hubby thinks longer than her butt is too much. I think sholder and longer is too much. She's rough. I don't want her hair getting stuck in anything
She's beautiful Kei,I wouldn't cut her hair at all. It will work itself out I'm sure,she's only two. She has a lot of hair, my babies are bald for years.
Kei, my son's hairline is just like your daughter's. I've been told that it will eventually fill in (if it doesn't, I'm just going to leave it).

I also wanted to tell you that your babies are gorgeous. They both look like you :grin:
I have the same problem with my daughter. That area is always dry so I started oiling it frequently. She wears single braids for 2-2.5weeks at a time.
A child's hair(natural texture or growth pattern) begins after the age of 5. I believe you mentioned that your daughter is 3 years old. Abnormal growth pattern is normal, this hair aka baby hair is called vellus (vellum (sp)?), it grows on your baby's head until she is about 5 years old and then eventually it will shed and a courser texture (any texture from 1a-4b) will replace this hair. I hope this helps.:)
Ayeshia said:
Just let her hair takes its course. :)

I agree. It looks like she has fine hair in that area and it will probably fill in as she ages. It looks great to me and she is so cute!