Baby fever....

I have it in waves. One minute I can't function if I see a cute little munchkin and the next I pay them no mind :lol:. Oh well. I think it's perfectly normal tho.
I got baby fever at age 17/18 and it died down by the time I turned 19. It was like this inner desire to have a baby. A couple of my friends had the feeling to. None of us have children as yet. I think that it's normal.
I pretty much had baby fever when my period started at 12. Didn't get pregnant til 33 tho. I think its the normal imperative to continue the species.
I've always loved children but the fever didn't hit me until I got married at 29. My fever got bad. But by the time I was married, I had finished my schooling and likewise with DH, so because our goals were completed we could think more about having children and not just enjoying their company. DH did have it before me though.
Never had it. Pretty sure I've been more or less petrified of accidentally ending up with one. I do love looking at babies, but I can wait.
I had it hard in my early 20s, but once all my friends started having babies and I saw the REAL of babies, it went away!!!
I had it. But then I stopped. I wasn't going hard to get pregnant and I realize I want to do a lot of hands on things and I refuse to just drop my baby off. But I also realize this is the time it might happened because I don't. I have heard this theory from many women
Never had baby fever. When I got engaged back in 2011, I would have TTC, immediately after the wedding because neither ex nor I had children and he was an only child and i was in my early 40's. We never made it down the aisle and I can no longer conceive. It all worked out for the best, God knew I was not maternal. My friends thought I had gone mad when I mentioned getting pregnant.
Yeah, I'm 33 and it's strong. Oddly enough, I don't want kids so it's like I'm battling with myself.
I never really had it until recently. I've always said that I only wanted one child, but lately I've found myself wanting another. I really want a boy. :ohwell:
I get happy when I see beautiful, happy little babies. But then I rub my stomach and remind myself I don't need that extra weight.

So no I don't really get baby fever, I get feverish. But never full blown fever where I want to conceive then and there.
I'm in my early 30's and I thought about it here and there in my 20's but it really started to hit me once I turned 30.

But I'm very traditional and believe in marriage first. So I really want to get married then have my one and only child.
I don't think I've ever really had "baby fever" or "ticking bio clocks" YET because I've already told myself that I will NOT be having a baby out of wedlock I KNOW that I want to be married and with a husband FIRST before even entertaining the thought of having a child.

So, I think because of that, that "ticking clock" hasn't started yet since I'm not married yet lol. :lachen:

But, I have noticed that in my late 20's I started getting all gushy whenever I would see a baby, whereas when I was younger, I didn't even give babies a second glance :look: :lol:

But I don't have a desire to have one...Not right NOW. :nono: I'm not even married NO. lol :lol: My desire is to have my husband with me when I become pregnant. :yep:
I didn't have baby fever until this year and I'm 27. I used to pray to not have kids when I was younger. I never wanted them.
It's just hitting me since I turned 30. In the past year I know about 12 women that have had babies or currently pregnant.
I'm 26 and while I know I want kids I can't even begin to think about having them until I'm married.:look: So I wouldn't say I have 'baby fever' but I look forward to having a family of my own.:yep: Many of my former HS and college classmates are having children and getting married so when I see all their pictures and gushes on social media it makes me want that. But just fever for a baby? No way.:nono:
eh. i love kids and have periods where i genuinely miss working with them/being around them but so far i don't think i've seriously wanted my own baby.

i party too much for that.:look:
I've never had baby fever that I can recall.
I love other people's kids (well friends and family's kids) & I think babies & toddlers are cute but I don't desire having any of my own at all right now.
It is killing me but I'm not doing anything about it yet.. but I kinda get disappointed every month when my period comes around.....even though we use protection lol
I did in my early 20s/last year of teen hood, until my sister explained to me that it isn't so much babies love you but they need you. they require you to feed them, clothe them, shelteer them. they are demanding.

at such a young age it isn't about an adorable something that will love you, it is about taking care of a burden that doesn't know you as anything but the source of their needs.

that pretty much did it for me.

[psych, even to this day I die over adorable chubby babies and at one time wanted to be a "cuddler" for terminally ill/HIV/drug addicted babies that simply needed someone to hold them]

seems like a contradiction of the second paragraph, but that too falls under what a baby requires which is why cuddlers were needed in the first place.
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I have baby fever. I really want one but I know I wanna accomplish and few things and have fun/do what I want for right now.

Sometimes I really be thinking about it though. Hahaha
I want to give ds a playmate but then I remind myself that dogs make perfect companions. Lol a lot goes into child rearing and that's out of my capacity right now and may be for a while. Oh wells.