Babtist ,Pentecostal, Christian???


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Can anyone tell me the differenece between a Baptist church and a Christian church?

I know they are diffent relgions but from my understanding they are pretty much the same. Can anyone shed some light for me and give me some insight on Babtist, Pentecostal, and Christian churches?

I'm a christian by the way.

Thank you SO much!
Hi Ladies,

Can anyone tell me the differenece between a Baptist church and a Christian church?

I know they are diffent relgions but from my understanding they are pretty much the same. Can anyone shed some light for me and give me some insight on Babtist, Pentecostal, and Christian churches?

I'm a christian by the way.

Thank you SO much!


I don't have a lot of details with me, but I just wanted to say that all of the denomantions that you have listed above are all Christians they are just have minor different beliefs. To be a Christian all you have to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus died for your sins. The meaning of Christian is a belief in Christ. What denomantion you belong to really doesn't matter as long as you believe in Jesus the Christ. Now I am a baptist by faith and I know one of the major belief within the baptish church is the belief of baptism by immerision and not sprinking meaning that we believe that your entire body must be put in water just as John the Baptist did with Jesus. Also baptist does not believe in baptising babies you must be at an age to understand the basic before you are baptised.
I agree with previous poster. Pentecostal, Baptist, etc. are all denominations under the umbrella of christianity. They are not separate religions.

The difference the church doctrines differ on beliefs such as leadership, when communion should be taken, when a person should be baptized, etc.

But they all have in common a belief that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and they all study from the Bible.

It is argumentative whether or not catholicism is christianity because click here.

Anyone that wants to dispute what is said or agree with what is said in the links I gave are welcome. I agree with much of what was written but I didn't write it.
Jehovah's witnesses are not a cult :lol:

I agree with previous poster. Pentecostal, Baptist, etc. are all denominations under the umbrella of christianity. They are not separate religions.

The difference the church doctrines differ on beliefs such as leadership, when communion should be taken, when a person should be baptized, etc.

But they all have in common a belief that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and they all study from the Bible.

It is argumentative whether or not catholicism is christianity because click here.

Anyone that wants to dispute what is said or agree with what is said in the links I gave are welcome. I agree with much of what was written but I didn't write it.
I agree with previous poster. Pentecostal, Baptist, etc. are all denominations under the umbrella of christianity. They are not separate religions.

The difference the church doctrines differ on beliefs such as leadership, when communion should be taken, when a person should be baptized, etc.

But they all have in common a belief that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and they all study from the Bible.

It is argumentative whether or not catholicism is christianity because click here.

Anyone that wants to dispute what is said or agree with what is said in the links I gave are welcome. I agree with much of what was written but I didn't write it.

Thanks!! Very helpful!:)
Somewhere I read they consider them a "cult" because they believe Jesus is Michael, the Archangel.

Jesus is not Michael the Archangel. The Bible nowhere identifies Jesus as Michael (or any other angel for that matter). Hebrews 1:5-8 draws a clear distinction between Jesus and the angels, “For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father"? Or again, "I will be His Father, and He will be my Son"? And again, when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says, "Let all God's angels worship Him." In speaking of the angels He says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire." But about the Son He says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.” Angels worship Jesus. The angels are called sons of God (Genesis 6:2-4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7), but Jesus is THE Son of God (Hebrews 1:8; Matthew 4:3-6).

Michael the Archangel is perhaps the highest of all the angels. Michael is the only angel in the Bible who is designated “the Archangel” (Jude verse 9). Michael the Archangel, though, is only an angel. He is not God. The clear distinction in the power and authority of Michael and Jesus can be seen in comparing Matthew 4:10 and Jude verse 9. In Matthew 4:10, Jesus rebukes Satan. In Jude verse 9, Michael the Archangel calls on the Lord to rebuke Satan. Jesus is God incarnate (John 1:1,14). Michael the Archangel is a powerful angel, but still only an angel.

But since I've never been to any type of Jehova's ANYTHING at all. I really have no idea what they believe.

Maybe someone can expound on that. :)

Cult is a word with negative connotations so I can understand people saying what the heck about it.
They generally call them a cult because any religion that doesnt believe in the trinity is considered one.

I consider them Christians though

Somewhere I read they consider them a "cult" because they believe Jesus is Michael, the Archangel.

But since I've never been to any type of Jehova's ANYTHING at all. I really have no idea what they believe.

Maybe someone can expound on that. :)

Cult is a word with negative connotations so I can understand people saying what the heck about it.