
Well-Known Member
anyone seen results using this and which brand do you use and how long have you been taking it. i plan to use this along with vit B5 and a multi vitamin. are there any side effects like breakouts, etc?
simplycee said:
Nature's Made Super b complex, 1 pill daily!
I've been taking this since 1998/9. I started taking it because my thick hair started thinning due to medication. It didn't take long for my hair to get back to its usual thick self. I will continue taking this daily forever.
NatureMade B complex is the bomb. My hair grows pretty fast with this but I don't like the smell.
When I first went to the dermatologist and was diagnosed with alopecia, she told me to RUN to Costco and get Kirkland Vitamin B-50 250 Tablets $8.99. It is wonderful and my hair has done a complete turnaround!
I have been using B-100's for year now and I know that they have contributed to hair in gaining healthiness , thickness, and length. check my album from jan to now.
bajanplums1 said:
b-complex is essential in my regimen
me too. i use puritans pride. i also take Evening Primrose. thats it.
B complex can increase your energy, and burns calories. you'll either be hungrier or will lose weight. i also keep taking it to stimulate my appetite.