Ayuverdic Help


Well-Known Member
So here's my problem. I would like to add Shikakai and Amla powder + Shikakai Oil and Vatika Oil to my wash regimen but pre-poos don't seem to work for me.

I use oily moisturizers on my hair all week and my hair is fine so it sucks it up. So when I try to pre-poo w/oil on top of all that product, my hair seems heavy after I shampoo and my conditioner does not work. Should I do a shampoo to clean first and then use the oil followed by the Shikakai/Amla Rinse?
First, Tayluv, your mom is so cute and all that hair is just gorgeous!! :yep:

Hot peppers, some of us using Ayurveda are scritching or scratching our scalps with shikaikai oil (one LHCF member suggested using a plastic fork to scritch and I find it to be great!) After you scritch for about 15 minutes, let it set for an hour or two or overnight; then apply some Amla oil to your hair and let it set for about 20 minutes.

Then rinse thoroughly with warm water until all the oil is out. Use this mixture for shampoo:

1 tsp shikaikai powder
1 tsp aritha powder
2 tsp amla powder
1 tsp brahmi powder (optional)
2 cups warm water and 1 cup old water

It will be brown water; you pour this mixture over your head, and sit with a plastic cap for about 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Some ladies make teas out of this that don't have to be rinsed out. This is similar if not the same as Candy_C's method, and you know she's got some really pretty hurr! :)

After you rinse it out, you can DC as usual.

I see very few shed hairs and my hair is soft and easier to detangle with this method.

I guess the key to combating the oiliness is rinsing real good to get the oils out.

First, Tayluv, your mom is so cute and all that hair is just gorgeous!! :yep:

Hot peppers, some of us using Ayurveda are scritching or scratching our scalps with shikaikai oil (one LHCF member suggested using a plastic fork to scritch and I find it to be great!) After you scritch for about 15 minutes, let it set for an hour or two or overnight; then apply some Amla oil to your hair and let it set for about 20 minutes.

Then rinse thoroughly with warm water until all the oil is out. Use this mixture for shampoo:

1 tsp shikaikai powder
1 tsp aritha powder
2 tsp amla powder
1 tsp brahmi powder (optional)
2 cups warm water and 1 cup old water

It will be brown water; you pour this mixture over your head, and sit with a plastic cap for about 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Some ladies make teas out of this that don't have to be rinsed out. This is similar if not the same as Candy_C's method, and you know she's got some really pretty hurr! :)

After you rinse it out, you can DC as usual.

I see very few shed hairs and my hair is soft and easier to detangle with this method.

I guess the key to combating the oiliness is rinsing real good to get the oils out.


Thanks so much!
First, Tayluv, your mom is so cute and all that hair is just gorgeous!! :yep:

Hot peppers, some of us using Ayurveda are scritching or scratching our scalps with shikaikai oil (one LHCF member suggested using a plastic fork to scritch and I find it to be great!) After you scritch for about 15 minutes, let it set for an hour or two or overnight; then apply some Amla oil to your hair and let it set for about 20 minutes.

Then rinse thoroughly with warm water until all the oil is out. Use this mixture for shampoo:

1 tsp shikaikai powder
1 tsp aritha powder
2 tsp amla powder
1 tsp brahmi powder (optional)
2 cups warm water and 1 cup old water

It will be brown water; you pour this mixture over your head, and sit with a plastic cap for about 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Some ladies make teas out of this that don't have to be rinsed out. This is similar if not the same as Candy_C's method, and you know she's got some really pretty hurr! :)

After you rinse it out, you can DC as usual.

I see very few shed hairs and my hair is soft and easier to detangle with this method.

I guess the key to combating the oiliness is rinsing real good to get the oils out.

thank you!