Ayurvedical System for Growing Hair video on youtube

Yeh I've heard if you do the nail rubbing thing incorrectly, it can have adverse effects. Anyone tried it?
I've seen the third video before. Never the second, She basically did a hot oil treatment. Don't see why that wouldn't be beneficial. I haven't seen the first before either, but that also looks interesting, yet somewhat scary, lol.
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I have seen the first video b4 and read a little about it online. For the past two weeks I have done nail rubbing at least 2-3 times a day. To be honest I haven't seen a significant difference, however, there hasn't been any adverse effects either. I have also been practicing Ayurveda for over a year now and I can say that it is amazing. There are other threads on it. MissMasala5 has a good tutorial on the ayurvedic paste hair washing technique (mentioned in the last video) on youtube too.
I found it interesting when he said you should not put anything on your scalp or your body that you cannot eat. That makes a lot of sense to me. I started thinking about all the chemicals in our everyday hair products. Interesting. Thanks, OP, for sharing.
I have seen the second and third videos before, but thanks for posting this because the third video reminded me of how much rubbish I have been eating and drinking lately. Although I am still on the Ayurveda Regimen, I think I'm going to have to kick out some of the commercial products I'm still using too.