Ayurvedic Setback


New Member
SO I decided that it would be easier and cheaper for me to find an Indian food mart or grocery store or w/e selling these products instead of buying them from online vendors. I'm currently in this borderline hicktown for school, n i was pleasantly surprised when I saw an Indian Food Mart pop up on google. First I tried to follow the directions but it took me to a neighborhood, then I decided to call the place for directions. I asked him if he carried any alma oil or karishma henna, and he was like no, it was a gas station. So then out of curiosity I asked if any Indians worked there and he said no. So then I said, so why do you call it an Indian Food Mart, when you sell nothing that's Indian and you dont even have Indian workers. He said the name just sounded good. WTF!? :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
yea it was real wack, but now I've found one about 35 mins away, only thing is they only have the powders, i'd prefer the oils but w/e i'll work with what I can get.
Girl... I am at the job crackin up. Pure hilarity.

I have been given up on finding things locally & I'm in Philly. I stay online. Alot of places are eating the shipping nowadays.
im sorry but i cant stop laughing hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my coworkers are looking at me crazy
What a stupid thing to do and say!! Sounded Good?????

Glad you found another place to go, and sorry you had to waste your time to get to a fake place.

SO I decided that it would be easier and cheaper for me to find an Indian food mart or grocery store or w/e selling these products instead of buying them from online vendors. I'm currently in this borderline hicktown for school, n i was pleasantly surprised when I saw an Indian Food Mart pop up on google. First I tried to follow the directions but it took me to a neighborhood, then I decided to call the place for directions. I asked him if he carried any alma oil or karishma henna, and he was like no, it was a gas station. So then out of curiosity I asked if any Indians worked there and he said no. So then I said, so why do you call it an Indian Food Mart, when you sell nothing that's Indian and you dont even have Indian workers. He said the name just sounded good. WTF!? :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Yeah that stinks. I have some products I need to update, and just may have to eat the online shipping costs. I did chat with an ebay seller who is willing to adjust the shipping, but I have to buy a pretty large amount. Working on it, just don't want to have closets full of things I am not using right away, I am already using up excess products.

Hope you find something that works out for you soon.
When I saw the title of this thread, I was thinking "Oh no, not an Ayurvedic horror story":sad: But when I read the part about it "sounds good", I'm like...

K I finally found a real Indian food mart and I got 3 packs of the Karishma henna and I got a thing of dabur amla oil, dabur vatika oil, and Shikakai powder. It took me about 40 minutes to get there but I got it! lol