New Member
I have been so confused about how to use these powders and Neroli's explaination has been the most simplest so far. I tried this last night mixing 2tsps of Amla with 1tsp of Skikaikai added to my conditioner and left it on my hair for 20mins. It took ages to rinse out the powders but for cleansing and moisturising this is a keeper for me. My hair felt really clean and strong, I lost very few hairs.
Can anyone tell me how to use the oils please? I have the Mahabringaran, Brahmi & Amla Oils and any advise would be appreciated.
I'm so glad you tried it and it worked! I love love the STRENGH and shine I get from the powders.
Rinsing can be a chore -- I have two tips:
1. mix the powders into the condish really good -- I use a spoon to crush all the powders into the condish as much as possible and mix really well so that there are no "lumps" -- haven't tried putting in a blender cuz I'm a lazy bones, but I keep thinking that it might work and make the mix extra smooth and creamy and easier to rinse out

2. keep cheapie moisturizing condish on hand (suave coconut, etc.) and apply as much as needed while rinsing -- it helps get the powders out AND adds a little extra moisture . . .