Ayurvedic Progress...and Other Experiments: Updates Inside w/ Pics!


Well-Known Member
Just updated my summer album w/ pics. I've recently jumped on the ayurvedic bandwagon and so far so good. I don't know if I'm mixing the powders wrong but they just don't agree with me as well as the shikakai soap (which predominately has natural ingredients). My hair is much more resilient and shiny. It seems that after 2 years, I'm just now starting to get the KISS method down pact (even though that's what I was doing before I found hair boards)-I got sidetracked with all the new info and products that I almost led to my own demise. So be sure to check my fotki album (located in siggy no pw needed).

If anyone has tips on mixing all these powders feel free to leave advice ( I read through CandyC's entire thread, and I still feel as though I'm doing something wrong. I buy quality powders but they leave my hair feeling gritty :ohwell: maybe I missing a step in the process (I use neem, or arithra or both mixed with a much smaller portion of shikakai powder).

*Note: sorry about the flash in pics 2 & 3

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neem, arithra and shikakai powder are cleansing powders and must be used wit a moisturising powder such as amla or bhringaraj powder (1tbs of cleansing powder to 2 tbs of moisturinsing powder)
*neem, arithra and shikakai powder can be very drying to d hair...
The powders do not have the same effect on every head of hair, so keep that in mind when you read things like x is very drying, must be mixed with y, etc. I followed along with this sentiment until I found other users that had opposite results with the same powders. I then tried all my powders separately just to see what affect they had on MY hair, despite what others have said. Turns out aritha, for example, left my hair soft, not dry. Checking out how each herb works on your hair before mixing them together is a good way to go.
Oh ok..thanks :grin: How do you go about straining them?

I strain my my mix through a coffee filter on top of a small strainer. this seems to work quite well...99% of the grit was gone when I did this.

..... I am going to use my old coffee maker to start making my powder rinses. I hope this helps.
Oh ok..thanks :grin: How do you go about straining them?

I strain my mix using a stocking cap. Listen to MedMunky though. Try the powders separately before mixing them together to find out for sure which ones your hair likes, however it is a great idea to knw which powders are moisturizing, which ones are cleansing, and for growtrh, etc. Many of us have some awesome recipes in our fotkis, so check them, okay? I'm sure you will find them very helpful.

Lavendar and
myself are a few examples with fotkis you can stalk:grin: although there are more.
I strain my mix using a stocking cap. Listen to MedMunky though. Try the powders separately before mixing them together to find out for sure which ones your hair likes, however it is a great idea to knw which powders are moisturizing, which ones are cleansing, and for growtrh, etc. Many of us have some awesome recipes in our fotkis, so check them, okay? I'm sure you will find them very helpful.

Lavendar and
myself are a few examples with fotkis you can stalk:grin: although there are more.

Thanks so much :bighug: I think I might try the arithra alone and tweak it a bit.