AYURVEDIC POWDER ADVICE + Excerpt from: Cherie Ayurveda Vol: 1

Thanks Aggie!!! Actually I'm not using this cowash, I have been doing Alma,Bhrami, & Bhringhaj mixed in with Suave cond., but thanks to you and a few others I now add Fenugreek, Nettle, & Horsetail to this mixture, I have been doing this for a few weeks, & I don't know if it's my imagination, but not only is my hair thriving, but it seems to be growing much faster. I also have a mixture of these powders in an oil I infused.

Yup:yep:, your hair does seem to be thriving pretty well using ayurveda products FL. Keep it up honey.
The first 20 ladies to email me with their default email address can get this pdf. for free (you may have to search via my website for my email dont think i can post either)

Thanks x
Groovy! congrats! I cant wait to see them. Your hair is nice and Ive been considering going Ayurvedic myself.
Hi Candy,
Dont know if someone already asked this or not (I tried to read all the threads but I got tired). Is it okay to use megatek while practicing ayurvedic?

There is an email on her website. I mailed yesterday but I didn't hear anything. I hope it's working. Or maybe I was too late to get a copy.
my website is: myspace.com/naturalhairsecrets

find my email on there :grin:

And yes i have just got round to sending the first batch of Pdf.'s

Theres a few more available

I'm notbeing strict i've sent way more than 20 so far :spinning:
How did you find it?

I'm interested in knowing if those who were doing the ayurvedic thing are still incorporating them?

I still am thats for sure, bui havent washed my hair in at least two weeks and my scalp isnt even irritated...itching, yes, but it seems that even when i leave my hair unwashed for longer than usual whilst using Ayurveda, it doesnt counteract the benefits, my hair is growing like crazy once again.
I bought the powders ages ago, a whole box full,I want to incorporate it into my regime.

Is there a reason why I can't print it?
I have a quick question. Has anybody created a brahmi/amla spray? I'm thinking of boiling some water adding those 2 powders, straining the grit out then using it as a daily spray? Would that work or bad idea?
my website is: myspace.com/naturalhairsecrets

find my email on there :grin:

And yes i have just got round to sending the first batch of Pdf.'s

Theres a few more available

I'm notbeing strict i've sent way more than 20 so far :spinning:
i cant get into your site:nono::wallbash::wallbash:do i have to join my space?
I have a quick question. Has anybody created a brahmi/amla spray? I'm thinking of boiling some water adding those 2 powders, straining the grit out then using it as a daily spray? Would that work or bad idea?

I would like to know if a daily spray would be good as well.

I'm NO AYURVEDIC EXPERT AT ALL, but the only reason why i would say that's a bad idea, because if I'm not mistaken, you are supposed to rinse that stuff out, and not manipulate your hair while that stuff is in it. However, if you plan on rinsing it out after you spray, then that may work. I don't know. I HTH.
ty for the answer :) I probably wont use a leave in spray.

I did get powders I ordered from Ruchita Ayurveda, now I just gotta figure out how to use em all. I have the following:
Kalpi tone
and Heenara Hair pack Powder
What's your opinion on preventing split ends. I am rinsing and using oils but because its so cold I have been wearing my hair straight and today I noticed some split ends. Please help!!! Thanks
Candy, thanks for all the information you've given on using these powders. I have been using them since August, I think, and my hair has never been better. Once I stopped using them during the holidays and lots of my hair care fell through, I had to end up cutting off much of the growth I had achieved. I'll count my losses, but pick back up on teh good habits. What rinse combo's are you using now? Right now, I'm doing amla, shikakai and brahmi, 2:1:1 ratio. I coat my hair with oil the night before and massage my scalp really well. The day of, I rinse for 10 minutes with hot water, and then I make my rinse and put in a spout bottle nad just pour it over my head three times. I let it sit for like 4 minutes and do not manipulate my hair, and then I rinse for another 10 minutes. I then run through a cheapie conditioner, rinse and then deep condition.

Am I doing everything right? Is there anything I should do differently or am I okay?
Candy, thanks for all the information you've given on using these powders. I have been using them since August, I think, and my hair has never been better. Once I stopped using them during the holidays and lots of my hair care fell through, I had to end up cutting off much of the growth I had achieved. I'll count my losses, but pick back up on teh good habits. What rinse combo's are you using now? Right now, I'm doing amla, shikakai and brahmi, 2:1:1 ratio. I coat my hair with oil the night before and massage my scalp really well. The day of, I rinse for 10 minutes with hot water, and then I make my rinse and put in a spout bottle nad just pour it over my head three times. I let it sit for like 4 minutes and do not manipulate my hair, and then I rinse for another 10 minutes. I then run through a cheapie conditioner, rinse and then deep condition.

Am I doing everything right? Is there anything I should do differently or am I okay?

I am no expert - but this is how I do it!
I decided to do the amla & brahmi liquid afterall. I apply it to my scalp daily (not a braid spray..tried it and didn't like it) and it's been going very well. I refrigerate it so it doesn't go bad. And my hair seems to be growing more than usual. I'm pleased.

My question is if these powders are only for rinsing then what happens when you create oils from them? Do you rinse those oils out then?
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Ah, so I know it says to let your hair airdry but I can't. So is it totally bad to do the rinses, oil rinse, DC then blow dry. once a week. I liked the rinse when I tried it this week. Will I not see any benefit at all because I blowdry and style?
Am I crazy or does Mahabringharaj (sp?) oil give anyone else a headache. I've used it 3 times and each time I've noticed that after I massage it in I have a headache :blush:
Hi. I am new to LHCF and researching these Ayurveda hair remedies. I have read through this thread as well as others and read about them on some of the websites. However, I can not tell them apart. So I have 3 questions. Can you educate a sista and tell me:

- Which are strengthening and which are nourishing/moisturizing? They all seem to say the same thing.

- If it matters how long you leave them in - does more time mean better results? Some say to leave in up to 8 hours.

- Have you ever mixed these powders with clay such as rhassoul (sp) for a cleanser?

Thanks so much in advance.

Peace and Blessings
I decided to do the amla & brahmi liquid afterall. I apply it to my scalp daily (not a braid spray..tried it and didn't like it) and it's been going very well. I refrigerate it so it doesn't go bad. And my hair seems to be growing more than usual. I'm pleased.

My question is if these powders are only for rinsing then what happens when you create oils from them? Do you rinse those oils out then?

No, I don't always rinse out the oils, it's how I keep the herbs in my hair when I'm not dcing or cowashing with them.