Ayurvedic method and hard hair?


Well-Known Member
So this is my second time washing my hair with my Indian powders. After I "wash" with my rinse (Amla, Neem + Shikakai), I rinse out and use a conditioner to wash hair followed by a deep conditioning for 15 minutes, just as cherie suggests. After all is rinsed out and I am styling hair I notice that my hair feels kind of dense and a little hard. This is after I put in my leave ins. Does use of the powders somehow dry out hair or strip hair of the relaxer making hair feel hard? Is anyone else experiencing this feeling of hair being hard/ not as soft as traditional shampoo and conditioning?
How much of each powder are you using?
Remember you should use more Amla than Shikakai.

When you say Deep Condition are you using a moisturizing conditioner for this? If not I would, the powders are protein and you don't want to add more. This could possibly be the problem.

Yes, I'm really trying to see what's up with it now. Someone told me to dilute my tea more (Use 3 cups of water-I was only using 1.5 cup of water). I did that, though it's less drying/hard, it's still too hard for my liking. My mixture contains 2tbs-amla powder & 1tbs- shikakai powder. I may try it with teaspoons next time w/ the same amount of water :ohwell:

bumping for more responses :sad:
Yes, I'm really trying to see what's up with it now. Someone told me to dilute my tea more (Use 3 cups of water-I was only using 1.5 cup of water). I did that, though it's less drying/hard, it's still too hard for my liking. My mixture contains 2tbs-amla powder & 1tbs- shikakai powder. I may try it with teaspoons next time w/ the same amount of water :ohwell:

bumping for more responses :sad:
( copying info from my Ayurvedic notes)

Pre-washing oiling is advised anytime you use shikakai. Pre-wash oiling is done on dry hair at least 30 minutes before washing.

Shikakai/Sheekakai (Acacia concinna)
Cleansing agent. Can be drying. Use with oils or a conditioning herb.

Ive been adding Amla oil to my tea rinses & pastes.. maybe a capfuul or 2

Yes, they dried both my relaxed & natural hair out, so I had to stop using them. I was using the "moisturizing" powders. I think this method just doesn't work for some people.
( copying info from my Ayurvedic notes)

Pre-washing oiling is advised anytime you use shikakai. Pre-wash oiling is done on dry hair at least 30 minutes before washing.

Shikakai/Sheekakai (Acacia concinna)
Cleansing agent. Can be drying. Use with oils or a conditioning herb.

Ive been adding Amla oil to my tea rinses & pastes.. maybe a capfuul or 2

Yep, I pre-oil and everything, it's still slightly hard :sad:
when making your tea rinse/paste, try adding some oil to the mix...

Ive been doing Ayurvedic rinses daily for the past week and havent noticed any hardening... Im letting my rinses sit on my hair for 6-8 hours ( all day- I work at night) ... rinse when I take a shower at night... co-wash with a cheapie... then splash with my aloe/glycerin mix...
seal... usually with coconut/castor mix but last night I used Mango Butter
let air dry...

my hair feel pretty good... no sign of hardness or tangles
when making your tea rinse/paste, try adding some oil to the mix...

Ive been doing Ayurvedic rinses daily for the past week and havent noticed any hardening... Im letting my rinses sit on my hair for 6-8 hours ( all day- I work at night) ... rinse when I take a shower at night... co-wash with a cheapie... then splash with my aloe/glycerin mix...
seal... usually with coconut/castor mix but last night I used Mango Butter
let air dry...

my hair feel pretty good... no sign of hardness or tangles

Ooooh ok, you add amla oil to the mix (I thought I saw "powder" for some reason:perplexed sorry). I'm definitely going to try this later on today since I work nights too.

Do you use tablespoons or teaspoons (of the powder)?
Ooooh ok, you add amla oil to the mix (I thought I saw "powder" for some reason:perplexed sorry). I'm definitely going to try this later on today since I work nights too.

Do you use tablespoons or teaspoons (of the powder)?

I always add oils to my pastes, no matter what I use... Shikakai is drying so even though you have AMla powder in, Id add oils... AMla, Coconut, EVOO... anything.. 2 or 3 tablespoons
Yes, I'm really trying to see what's up with it now. Someone told me to dilute my tea more (Use 3 cups of water-I was only using 1.5 cup of water). I did that, though it's less drying/hard, it's still too hard for my liking. My mixture contains 2tbs-amla powder & 1tbs- shikakai powder. I may try it with teaspoons next time w/ the same amount of water :ohwell:

bumping for more responses :sad:

I think you guys maybe using too much of the powders use only teaspoons not tablespoons and 2 cups of water at least and strain the tea before use with a papertowel over the cup to catch more residue. And definately prepoo with oil.
cocoagirl So this is my second time washing my hair with my Indian powders. After I "wash" with my rinse (Amla, Neem + Shikakai), I rinse out and use a conditioner to wash hair followed by a deep conditioning for 15 minutes, just as cherie suggests. After all is rinsed out and I am styling hair I notice that my hair feels kind of dense and a little hard. This is after I put in my leave ins. Does use of the powders somehow dry out hair or strip hair of the relaxer making hair feel hard? Is anyone else experiencing this feeling of hair being hard/ not as soft as traditional shampoo and conditioning?

Cocoagirl I think you need to get rid of the Neem in your mix. I like Neem its great but I would not use it in my Mix for a normal wash. Just use the Amla and shikakai together in a 2:1 format teaspoons only and 2 cups of water at least. If you want to still use the Neem use it sepeately or with loads of amla oil/powder remember teaspoons only its really strong so maybe once a month or less? careful on the Neem.:blush:

I hope this helps:yep:
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I always add oils to my pastes, no matter what I use... Shikakai is drying so even though you have AMla powder in, Id add oils... AMla, Coconut, EVOO... anything.. 2 or 3 tablespoons

I think you guys maybe using too much of the powders use only teaspoons not tablespoons and 2 cups of water at least and strain the tea before use with a papertowel over the cup to catch more residue. And definately prepoo with oil.

thank you so much ladies! :grinwink::grinwink::grinwink:
i stopped pre-pooing w/ oils when i do the tea rinses. I HATE OIL. it was leaving my fine strands hard, dry, coated, and nasty. Even after a rollerset. (and yes I rinsed for madddd long).

so now i just prepoo w/ a cheap conditioner...then pour the tea rinse over my head.:drunk::drunk: it was soo much better. And I still got the same results
Thx for all the responses. I do pre poo with olive oil as that is all that I have right now. The reason that I use Neem is that I have dry scalp so I use it for its dandruff relieving properties but perhaps I will just use it in conjunction with the Amla 1:1 and use the Shikakai and Amla separately 1:1 on different occassions.
So to make sure I understand, is it just the Shikakai that is drying or is the Amla powder drying too? One thing I forgot to mention is that once I have styled my hair and it is dry (b/c my hair is just neck length and too short for a ponytail I have a half ghetto way of drying- I put mesh rollers in the crown and sides and then I wrap the front, sort of like a mold so that the front is straight and middle is kind've curly..sounds crazy but its cute..but I digress) my hair is very soft and shiny. So I guess it feels dry when wet but once dry it is ok. I will add some oil to the rinse next week and see if that works out better.
This is what I used yesterday:
*Prepoo with olive oil for 30 minutes under gold n' hot
*Scritched with homemade shikakai rinse for 10 min (shikakai powder and boiled water) cuz I don't have the shi oil
*rinsed that out, poured amla+neem+shikakai over head and scrinched carefully with that, let that sit for 10 minutes
*rinsed that out, did condish wash with Aubrey Rosa Mosqueta
*rinsed that out and deep condished with Keracare for 30 min
Fermodyl leave-in, some dominican leave in and profectiv..styled
You might try rinsing the mixture out a little sooner than 10 minutes as well. I leave it on for no more than 2-3 minutes. I think there is something about using Amla oil, too. My hair is soo much nicer if I use that than if I use other oils. I also use a little coconut oil once my hair is dry . A little goes a loooong way.:grin:
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I had this problem when I mixing it with water... So I stopped using water and mixed the powders with alma, EVOO and coconut oil mixed together. It was very moisturizing and didnt leave my hair hard at all. I didnt even have to follow up with a conditioner. I just made sure that it was all rinsed out.
I had this problem when I mixing it with water... So I stopped using water and mixed the powders with alma, EVOO and coconut oil mixed together. It was very moisturizing and didnt leave my hair hard at all. I didnt even have to follow up with a conditioner. I just made sure that it was all rinsed out.

Wow, so you use 1-2 cups of oil?:spinning: correct me if i'm wrong?