Ayurvedic medicines laden with toxic heavy metals


New Member

Do Ayurvedic medicines cure or cause harm? That's the question raised by a study showing that 21% of 193 traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicines bought on the internet from US or Indian sources contained high amounts of lead, mercury or arsenic.

One sample of a preparation called Ekangvir Ras had 26,000 parts per million of lead. This compares with a US legal limit of 2 ppm in pharmaceutically produced calcium tablets for the elderly.

In a subset of preparations called Rasa Shastra medicines, minerals with heavy metals are deliberately added. "Ayurvedic practitioners think that if these are mixed properly, they are non-toxic, but that conflicts head-on with conventional scientific thinking," says Robert Saper of Boston University School of Medicine.

Saper wants regulators to limit the heavy metals in all food supplements.

Journal reference: Journal of the American Medical Association, (vol 300, p 915)
This is why you don't buy premade stuff. You have to invest time and learn about the herbs and buy them in singles....to make your own compounds. If you don't know about internal vedic medicines (which this article is talking about)....don't take them. Simple.

If you're going to buy anything premade, stick w/ oils.
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I heard this discussed on the radio this morning, but didn't catch the entire piece so I didn't know which herbal medicines they were referring to.

I don't take any Indian medicines/herbals internally.

Thanks for sharing.