Ayurvedic (Indian) Powders...(Now I've Got Them, How Shall I Use Them?)


New Member
I would really like people to chime in and think of different ways and methods to use loose herbal powders!

What can you think of, with all the knowledge you've gained, to assist me and many other utilize their powders??

I'm thinking along the line of:

-oil washing
-heat treats
-what combos

1. what can i use them for in my regime - (what part of a regime?) (a hair mask? mix them with egg for example?)
2. How shall i use them
3. How long shall i leave them on
4. How do you think this can benefit the hair (you don't have to be scientifically correct - how do you feel it can help?)

i have:



The trusted antibacterial & Anti-dandruff powder.

The antiseptic and curative properties of Neem are legendary. Hesh Neem powder can also be used on hair for treating acute dandruff problems. When used on skin, Hesh Neem powder has an instant germicidal and anti bacterial action that cures allergies, bed sores, prickly heat and rashes. It removes excessive oiliness from the skin pigments and helps fight skin disorders and eruptions. When used generally, the powder acts as a prophylactic. Moreover, the powder is an excellent deodorant and is active against nappy rashes and dried up measles.

Briefly, 'Hesh Neem Leaves Powder' has the following advantages:

- Powerful natural antiseptic
- Cures skin disorders
- Controls natural oil balance of skin
- Clears dandruff

Ingredients: Neem Leaves Powder

I also Have:



Ayurveda's most potent Hair Vitaliser

Hesh Brahmi Leaves Powder comes as a succour for those with chronic problems with hair. Hair loss, hair thinning, premature greying have become part of the metro life. But nature has a solution for every problem. Hesh Brahmi Powder may help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous. It also strengthens the hair roots, thus controlling hair thinning and hair loss. Regular use leads to control of premature greying. When massaged on the scalp, the product clears dandruff.

Briefly, 'Hesh Brahmi Powder' has the following advantages:

- May help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous
- Strengthens hair roots
- Stops premature greying
- Controls dandruff

Ingredients: Brahmi Leaves Powder (Thyme Leaves Powder / Herpestis Monniera)

And I also have:



Hesh Aritha is a natural cleansing agent recommended by Aruyvedic experts. When used on the skin, the powder cleanses the pores and helps the skin breathe better. It also improves the skin texture over a period of usage. As a shampoo, it cleans hair completely. It is specially recommended for washing oily hair. The powder has excellent foaming and shampooing properties. Aritha Powder is also recommended for washing silk, woollen clothes, silver and gold ornaments and utensils.

Briefly, Hesh Aritha Powder has the following advantages:

- Cleans scalp thoroughly
- Excellent as a natural shampoo
- Gives hair natural gloss and bounce
- Can be used to clean ornaments, clothes and utensils

Ingredients: Aritha Powder (Sapindus Trifoliatus / Soapnut)

And....I obviousley have:


Dirt Buster for your Scalp

Hesh Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated in the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, Shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. Hesh Shikakai Powder has certain vital proprieties that act as coolants for the scalp. This powder has to be mixed with appropriate quantity of water and used as a paste on the hair, instead of the soap.

Briefly, 'Hesh Shikakai Powder' has the following advantages:

- Provides new life to hair strands
- Strengthens hair roots
- Clears dandruff
- Keeps the scalp clean and cool

Ingredients: Shikakai (Acacia Concinna

Not Forgetting...



Dark and Healthy Hair Naturally.

Hesh Amla Powder is a natural astringent and skin toner that works on both hair and skin. In botanical terms it is known as Emblic Myrobalan. The paste of this powder helps promote black and luxuriant hair. Even as it controls hair loss, it stimulates roots and promotes hair growth. This apart, it prevents scalp infection and controls premature greying of hair. When used on skin, the paste of this powder brightens the complexion and removes pimples and grime.

Briefly, 'Hesh Amla Powder' has the following advantages:

- Promotes hair growth
- Controls hair loss
- Cures scalp infection
- Controls greying of hair
- Removes pimple and grime

Ingredients: Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)


So with all your knowledge, researching skills and experience how can we utilize these Ayurveda products? Cos i honestly think Indian haircare may be an answer to faster hair growth-health and strength!

Knowledge Is Power
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Just to kick it off..

For strength for limp/thin/breaking and dry hair...:

  • Slowly heat some Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a pan
  • Scoop 3 teaspoons of Shikakhai and scoop 2 teaspoons of Amla Power into the heating oil.
  • stirr with a wooden spoon
  • Turn off stove and leave pan to cool for 30 minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into a container
  • Add 2 scoops of hardened coconut oil into the container
  • take 1 tablespoon of red palm butter
  • Now stirr

This can be used as:

  • Pre-poo
  • A Wash-Out deep conditioner
  • Add an egg to create a strengthening treatment
  • Take away shikakhai and add 2 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin to make an oil moisturizer

I know many of the ladies use some of those poweders in their henna conditioning mixes. You can also make an herbal shampoo using castille soap or an herbal conditioner. I would do a search of Indian Hair Care on here and on the internet generally and see what you come up with. You have plenty of options, as those are some great powders you've got there! :grin:
Perhaps Indian Herbal is the way to go now! A lot of ladies here swear by Henna, Amla, Vatika etc :look:

I bought Amla Oil but haven't used it yet because I still have twist in my hair. I haven't bought any other indian product, beacuse I'm unsure about leaving all my regaular products behind! Also I'm trying very hard to simplify my regime with the least amount of products (I think thats the best way to go) keeping it simple :yep:

Questions: Are you ladies throwing out your CON shampoo for Shikakai Powder etc to cleanse your hair?

Do you alternate with your regular shampoos and Conditioners?

Have you change your hair regime/products to use all Ayurvedic products?
Wow, I just went out and bought everything you have, plus:

-mustard oil
-amla oil
-coconut oil
-curry leaves

My BFF's mom works nights at the hospital, so I doubt she'll have the time to get back to me. So after my late-night googling sessions, I compiled some notes from many different sites that explain indian hair care tips. I can pm them to you if you want, cuz they are very long. After all that research + what my moms's friend told me, this is what my regimen will be for the next 2 months:

The night before wash:
  • Mix equal amounts of Amla Powder, Shikakai Powder, and Aritha Powder. Add distilled water and leave overnight.
  • Apply amla oil or coconut oil to hair and scalp. Massage for ten minutes and apply a hot towel. Leave the oil on overnight.
Wash day:
  • Apply amla, ritha, shikakai mixture to hair and scalp for 45 minutes. Do not try and lather or move the hair around as if it were shampoo!
  • Rinse out with warm water.
  • (Optional treatment here).
  • Deep condition.
  • Oil rinse with coconut oil.
  • Airdry.

The Brahmi and Neem Powders can both be used as rinse treatments.
I would do this before oil rinses. All you have to do is put some powders in water and boil it on low heat for about 10 or 15 minutes. Strain if necessary. Apply to hair for 45 minutes.

I will still deep condition (with dominican conditioners) because although Indian natural products and techniques help with strength of hair, I still feel that my hair needs to be deep conditioned. By the way, I haven't used shampoo for a while now and my hair feels great!
bumping...I've got some Hesh Amla powder and would like to hear more about what I can do with it.

BTW, Amla does work well on your skin.
bumping...I've got some Hesh Amla powder and would like to hear more about what I can do with it.

BTW, Amla does work well on your skin.
co-signing with the amla on skin..excellent...i use it in my homemade mask
With the exception of neem, I have all of the powders that you've mentioned. I make tea rinses and oil mixtures with them. So far so good, I've been incorporating more avurvedic practices in my haircare and I'm definitely seeing a difference.

Fenugreek is also great to add to the mixtures for the conditioning and slip factor.
I make tea rinses, oil treatments and pastes.

I would say to make sure that your powders are sifted very fine because if you have hair like mine you will be finding tiny particles for days possibly weeks because they love to hold on to curly kinky hair.

I also place the amla, brahmi and others in my conditioners when I make teas or oils from them.

If you want to keep the tea for a while you need to use a preservative or freeze if for future use.
I make tea rinses, oil treatments and pastes.

I would say to make sure that your powders are sifted very fine because if you have hair like mine you will be finding tiny particles for days possibly weeks because they love to hold on to curly kinky hair.

I also place the amla, brahmi and others in my conditioners when I make teas or oils from them.

If you want to keep the tea for a while you need to use a preservative or freeze if for future use.

Thats what I was wondering. Since I dont wash my hair all open anymore I could just picture the little stem, root, and leaf particles hiding in my twists. I have a few indian herbs in my cupboard that need using out:

Rose Petal

I made a conditioning paste once
2 tbsp amla powder
1 tbsp rose petal powder
1 tbsp brahmi powder
3/8 cup of virgin palm kernal oil
1/8 cup of unrefined shea butter

I heated the mixture over boiling water

I think I'll try that recipe that CandyC posted next, I have some virgin red palm oil that I've NEVER used

great thread!

kiesha8185, that is a great routine you posted. I will definitely be testing it out this weekend. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, I just went out and bought everything you have, plus:

-mustard oil
-amla oil
-coconut oil
-curry leaves

My BFF's mom works nights at the hospital, so I doubt she'll have the time to get back to me. So after my late-night googling sessions, I compiled some notes from many different sites that explain indian hair care tips. I can pm them to you if you want, cuz they are very long. After all that research + what my moms's friend told me, this is what my regimen will be for the next 2 months:

The night before wash:
  • Mix equal amounts of Amla Powder, Shikakai Powder, and Aritha Powder. Add distilled water and leave overnight.
  • Apply amla oil or coconut oil to hair and scalp. Massage for ten minutes and apply a hot towel. Leave the oil on overnight.
Wash day:
  • Apply amla, ritha, shikakai mixture to hair and scalp for 45 minutes. Do not try and lather or move the hair around as if it were shampoo!
  • Rinse out with warm water.
  • (Optional treatment here).
  • Deep condition.
  • Oil rinse with coconut oil.
  • Airdry.

The Brahmi and Neem Powders can both be used as rinse treatments.
I would do this before oil rinses. All you have to do is put some powders in water and boil it on low heat for about 10 or 15 minutes. Strain if necessary. Apply to hair for 45 minutes.

I will still deep condition (with dominican conditioners) because although Indian natural products and techniques help with strength of hair, I still feel that my hair needs to be deep conditioned. By the way, I haven't used shampoo for a while now and my hair feels great!

That's the 'perfect' Indian K.I.S.S. regimen. this is how 90% of Ayurvedic sites say to employ healthy haircare regimens. ! :yep: Thanks for posting. i haven't used my beloved CON in nearly 1 month, I'm glad to say I'm not really missing it either! :drunk: But like you, I do continue with my Avocado, Silicon Mix, Cinnamon, & soon to be Wheat Germ Dominican DC! :grin:
keisha, did yor friends mom give you the amount of distilled water? I used about 1 1/4 quarts of water to 1/2 of box each of amla, reetha, and shikakai powder. Then added ground mustard, curry, and sage.
I would really like people to chime in and think of different ways and methods to use loose herbal powders!

What can you think of, with all the knowledge you've gained, to assist me and many other utilize their powders??

I'm thinking along the line of:

-oil washing
-heat treats
-what combos

1. what can i use them for in my regime - (what part of a regime?) (a hair mask? mix them with egg for example?)
2. How shall i use them
3. How long shall i leave them on
4. How do you think this can benefit the hair (you don't have to be scientifically correct - how do you feel it can help?)

i have:



The trusted antibacterial & Anti-dandruff powder.

The antiseptic and curative properties of Neem are legendary. Hesh Neem powder can also be used on hair for treating acute dandruff problems. When used on skin, Hesh Neem powder has an instant germicidal and anti bacterial action that cures allergies, bed sores, prickly heat and rashes. It removes excessive oiliness from the skin pigments and helps fight skin disorders and eruptions. When used generally, the powder acts as a prophylactic. Moreover, the powder is an excellent deodorant and is active against nappy rashes and dried up measles.

Briefly, 'Hesh Neem Leaves Powder' has the following advantages:

- Powerful natural antiseptic
- Cures skin disorders
- Controls natural oil balance of skin
- Clears dandruff

Ingredients: Neem Leaves Powder

I also Have:



Ayurveda's most potent Hair Vitaliser

Hesh Brahmi Leaves Powder comes as a succour for those with chronic problems with hair. Hair loss, hair thinning, premature greying have become part of the metro life. But nature has a solution for every problem. Hesh Brahmi Powder may help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous. It also strengthens the hair roots, thus controlling hair thinning and hair loss. Regular use leads to control of premature greying. When massaged on the scalp, the product clears dandruff.

Briefly, 'Hesh Brahmi Powder' has the following advantages:

- May help to make hair dark, dense and lustrous
- Strengthens hair roots
- Stops premature greying
- Controls dandruff

Ingredients: Brahmi Leaves Powder (Thyme Leaves Powder / Herpestis Monniera)

And I also have:



Hesh Aritha is a natural cleansing agent recommended by Aruyvedic experts. When used on the skin, the powder cleanses the pores and helps the skin breathe better. It also improves the skin texture over a period of usage. As a shampoo, it cleans hair completely. It is specially recommended for washing oily hair. The powder has excellent foaming and shampooing properties. Aritha Powder is also recommended for washing silk, woollen clothes, silver and gold ornaments and utensils.

Briefly, Hesh Aritha Powder has the following advantages:

- Cleans scalp thoroughly
- Excellent as a natural shampoo
- Gives hair natural gloss and bounce
- Can be used to clean ornaments, clothes and utensils

Ingredients: Aritha Powder (Sapindus Trifoliatus / Soapnut)

And....I obviousley have:


Dirt Buster for your Scalp

Hesh Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated in the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, Shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. Hesh Shikakai Powder has certain vital proprieties that act as coolants for the scalp. This powder has to be mixed with appropriate quantity of water and used as a paste on the hair, instead of the soap.

Briefly, 'Hesh Shikakai Powder' has the following advantages:

- Provides new life to hair strands
- Strengthens hair roots
- Clears dandruff
- Keeps the scalp clean and cool

Ingredients: Shikakai (Acacia Concinna

Not Forgetting...



Dark and Healthy Hair Naturally.

Hesh Amla Powder is a natural astringent and skin toner that works on both hair and skin. In botanical terms it is known as Emblic Myrobalan. The paste of this powder helps promote black and luxuriant hair. Even as it controls hair loss, it stimulates roots and promotes hair growth. This apart, it prevents scalp infection and controls premature greying of hair. When used on skin, the paste of this powder brightens the complexion and removes pimples and grime.

Briefly, 'Hesh Amla Powder' has the following advantages:

- Promotes hair growth
- Controls hair loss
- Cures scalp infection
- Controls greying of hair
- Removes pimple and grime

Ingredients: Amla Powder (Indian Gooseberry)


So with all your knowledge, researching skills and experience how can we utilize these Ayurveda products? Cos i honestly think Indian haircare may be an answer to faster hair growth-health and strength!

Knowledge Is Power

:up:This thread is awesome, good idea, thanks girl:yep:
Where do you guys purchase your powders?? Online?? At Indian Markets??

*sorry if this has been asked before*.

I buy them at any Indian Market in my area. Look for the Little India section of your town and you'll find mostly everything there. Most importantly no exorbitant shipping fees. HTH

Oh ladies I made oil from Hibiscus Petal Powder that I got from FNWL. I used it once in my hair brew then decided to make an oil. I add the oil to Lustrasilks Tea tree Cholesterol with a couple of squirts of Amla oil and WOW hair is strong and moist and Im not "fiending" for my other conditioners. Out side of the wash and deep condition-I still use a creamy leave in like Giovannis or ElucenceMB- then seal with amla and hibiscus oil
I apologize daily to my Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose and my Curls Asian Hair tea.
According to FNWL Hibiscus Petal Powder has strong emollient properties- Has Anyone else tried this powder?
With the exception of neem, I have all of the powders that you've mentioned. I make tea rinses and oil mixtures with them. So far so good, I've been incorporating more avurvedic practices in my haircare and I'm definitely seeing a difference.

Fenugreek is also great to add to the mixtures for the conditioning and slip factor.
Are you using you Methi(Fenugreek) as a rinse or a paste? I have some of this not sure how to use it. Tried it as a paste and I think I made it too thick cause it took forever and a day for me to wash it out!
The products that I bought today are in the picture below. I wanted to get the shikakai bar, and amla oil but the store didn't have any. I also wanted some vatika oil, but all they had was vatika henna cream conditioning shampoo so I got that. The ingredients in that are:

water, sodium laureth sulfate (derived from palm oil), cocamidopropyl betaine, cocamide DEA, polyquaternium-7, herbal extracts (extracts of acacia concinna, lawsonia inermis and prunus amygdalus), trimethylsilylamodimethicone, laureth-7 and laureth-5, fragrance, glycol stearate, guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride, EDTA, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone, citric acid, sodium chloride.​

Nothing in that sounds natural to me, so if any of you have any ideas of how that stuff will affect my hair I'd appreciate some advice. I don't really know what to do with the rest of the products that I bought either. I'm so confused!! :huh: :confused: Actually I think I'm more scared than anything else. :nono:

HERicane10 and MissTress, so sorry I never came back to this thread...I have a bad habit of doing that :wallbash: But I will pm you all to make sure you get my responses :drunk:

kiesha8185, that is a great routine you posted. I will definitely be testing it out this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

That's the 'perfect' Indian K.I.S.S. regimen. this is how 90% of Ayurvedic sites say to employ healthy haircare regimens. ! :yep: Thanks for posting. i haven't used my beloved CON in nearly 1 month, I'm glad to say I'm not really missing it either! :drunk: But like you, I do continue with my Avocado, Silicon Mix, Cinnamon, & soon to be Wheat Germ Dominican DC! :grin:

I have since changed my regimen since I posted this regimen :perplexed It's actually even more simple than this one, lol! Whether it's out of pure laziness or what, it gives me by far the best results. I notice a lot less shedding, nil breakage, and my hair is much more moisturized. My hair even air dries soft now and with so much shine. I posted it in the Ayurvedic support thread:


keisha, did your friends mom give you the amount of distilled water? I used about 1 1/4 quarts of water to 1/2 of box each of amla, reetha, and shikakai powder. Then added ground mustard, curry, and sage.
I gave up trying to get in contact with that woman :lachen:I must be empathetic though; she works overnight at a hospital and sleeps during the day, so I don't want to be a bother. So I kinda just add water and oil until I get a watery consistency. The more diluted it is, the easier it is to get it out of my hair. What benefits does sage provide? Mustard oil does not agree with me :nono: I have some if you want it, I'll send it to you
Hey, kiesha8185!

I am totally drooling over your hair; it looks so healthy and shiny! :drool: Beautiful!

Me too. I use henna and some powders and oils as well. I have the amla, aritha, shikakai, brahmi, bhringraj, tulsi, and hibiscus petal powders. I also have amla, vatika, shikakai, brahmi, bhringraj and KTC coconut oils. I pre-poo with amla, brahmi, and bhringraj oils. I use the powders sometimes as a tea rinse and a spray moisturizer with added rosemary and peppermint essential oils for preservation. Mixing them up a bit helps you to find which powders work best on your hair, for example, I know now that aritha does not agree with my hair - too drying. I only use a tiny bit of it in my mixes because I am trying to use it up. I will not throw it out - I hate to waste my money

I also have fenugreek (methi) seed powder that I boil with distilled water and 2-3 oz of coconut oil, simmer for 3-5 minutes, allow to cool a little, strain and pour over my hair. I find that when I leave it in for about 30 minutes to an hour with a plastic cap on, it help to provide a lot of conditioning and shine to my hair. This does provide a lot of slip and it has a glycerine-like consistency. I strain it because it is extremely difficult to wash out so I never use a paste with this mix.
Me too. I use henna and some powders and oils as well. I have the amla, aritha, shikakai, brahmi, bhringraj, tulsi, and hibiscus petal powders. I also have amla, vatika, shikakai, brahmi, bhringraj and KTC coconut oils. I pre-poo with amla, brahmi, and bhringraj oils. I use the powders sometimes as a tea rinse and a spray moisturizer with added rosemary and peppermint essential oils for preservation. Mixing them up a bit helps you to find which powders work best on your hair, for example, I know now that aritha does not agree with my hair - too drying. I only use a tiny bit of it in my mixes because I am trying to use it up. I will not throw it out - I hate to waste my money

I also have fenugreek (methi) seed powder that I boil with distilled water and 2-3 oz of coconut oil, simmer for 3-5 minutes, allow to cool a little, strain and pour over my hair. I find that when I leave it in for about 30 minutes to an hour with a plastic cap on, it help to provide a lot of conditioning and shine to my hair. This does provide a lot of slip and it has a glycerine-like consistency. I strain it because it is extremely difficult to wash out so I never use a paste with this mix.

That sounds great. I'm going to try that when I remove my Kinky Twists.