Ayurveda Question: Aritha Powder


Well-Known Member
What is the proper way to use it? I prefer to use my powders in the form of paste, but I've been reading that Aritha however should always be used in the form of a tea.

Also, how long do you leave aritha in? With my other powders, I leave in for 30min-2hr (depends on if I'm feeling lazy or not) :drunk:
You can use Aritha in paste or tea form like any of the Ayurvedic powders. You can also leave it in as long as you like, so do the same like you have been doing. The only thing you want to make sure is that you are mixing powders together, and never using them alone on your hair. Again, what you mix together really does not matter.
I've done both - paste and teas. Both are effective but I guess I have a preference for teas coz if the powder is not super finely ground then I have trouble rinsing it out of my hair. On the downside with the tea you don't have the little granules to rub against your scalp. A lot of the herbal shampoos you get at Indian markets are blends - so I would blend the aritha with shikakai and any other powders you are using. I don't use aritha coz it seems a bit strong and drying and there are plenty of other herbs to cleanse and condition that are not drying - but I'm sure it's fine if you're minimal with it. e.g. Just a teaspoon or two added to a paste of the rest of the herbs.
Ive been using aritha paste (I uae all my ayurvedic powders as pastes) for coming up to 2 years with only good results.

Ive found that u may want to use a cleansing and conditioning powder together like shikakai (cleansing) and amla (stimulate scalp amongst other things)

or aritha (cleansing) with brahmi (helps reduse hair fall and scalp conditions)
I don't use aritha as a paste. I add a spoonful to a cup, or 12oz bottle and add warm water, shake - let settle and wash my hair with it.

I haven't used powders in the form of packs in quite a long time (with the exception of henna). I only use them as a tea rinse, or tea rinse with a DC on top.
Thank you ladies!

or aritha (cleansing) with brahmi (helps reduse hair fall and scalp conditions)
I used aritha for the second time yesterday. I added 1/2tsp in 1/2C water, then added about 3TBS brahmi. I love making pastes, but I was unsure about aritha being in there so I used it as the tea.

I put it in, on dry hair, massaged in each section, then put the shower cap on and massaged a little bit more. I left it on for 30min, rinsed really well. I then used Suave rosemary mint (superb), then a brief DC with AOHSR!

All the buildup washed away! I love using aritha. Now that I know I can use it safely in paste form, I'm going to try it that way.
Ive been using aritha paste (I uae all my ayurvedic powders as pastes) for coming up to 2 years with only good results.

Ive found that u may want to use a cleansing and conditioning powder together like shikakai (cleansing) and amla (stimulate scalp amongst other things)

or aritha (cleansing) with brahmi (helps reduse hair fall and scalp conditions)
How often are you using aritha paste? Right now, I'm using my ayurvedic paste in some form or another (2x/week paste - 3x shikakai co-wash) 5x a week. I like the way aritha cleansed my hair and scalp today. It was great!!