Ayur Natural Beauty is back !!!


Well-Known Member
My well-wishes to everyone. This is an update on the current state of AyurNatural Beauty, as many have been wondering these last few months. I'm happy to announce that the store is open for business once again. I actually opened the store this past Friday quietly in order to get a lay of the land, so to speak-the goal being to see what the regular, day to day customer base was like now as opposed to back in September 2012 when the store was closed.

Greetings to everyone. My name is Clay. Until now, I've been the co-owner in the background. From AyurNatural Beauty's inception, it was agreed between Ekua and I that she would more so be the face of the business. Between us, we figured she had the nicer face. It was the dimples! Nevertheless, Ekua handled the inventory/ shipping and communicating with the public while I more so handled the business side of things as well as the marketing to increase traffic to the site. I handled some of the customer service as well. Many of you have actually spoken to me before, but you don't even realize it. Some of you may remember the first 2 versions of AyurNatural Beauty's site. Templates for the most part, as we couldn't afford a custom design at that point, but I added the subtle little nuances to make it our own.

Neither one of us specialized in anything having to do with running a business or website. We just had to do a whole lot of reading. All the time. Endlessly. Until we got headaches. Nevertheless, what exists now is the culmination of all those efforts.
Some people have been wondering and speculating as to new ownership and thus maybe new policies which may lower the standard created by AyurNatural Beauty since 2009. I'm here to assuage those fears. There is no new ownership, hence the title of the email. Ekua and I first met back in 2007 and had been trying several entrepreneurial endeavors for a couple of years before this one sort of fell into our laps, quite by accident. Yet, the accident yielded more success for us than anything we tried previously.

I don't want to make this message too long. Maybe one day I'll post a sort of historicity of AyurNatural Beauty on the site. For now, the condensed version will have to suffice. Ekua's departure from the business last year saddened me. Just a couple of days ago, I expressed to her that it felt so weird doing this without her. Nevertheless, life is just like that sometimes. Who knows what the future may hold. What I did know was that I didn't want to dissolve AyurNatural Beauty. I think it still has a lot of life left in it!
I've worked very hard over the last few months in order to get what was needed in order to continue doing business. It wasn't easy at all and things didn't exactly go according to plan either. Nevertheless, I had to make it happen.

Stay tuned to the Facebook page for giveaways in the near future and I will also be sending out occasional discount coupons to some of our oldest customers going all the way back to the Ecrater days where AyurNatural Beauty began. The Native Remedies line has been discontinued for now. Efforts are on the way to find a replacement supplier. Also note that prices have been lowered on several popular items.

With that said, I'm pleased to announce to you all, again, that AyurNatural Beauty is open for business!


And more!

Yesssss!!! Sigh no more searching for my favorite henna.
Yaaaasssssss! Thanks for the update. I enjoyed your solid product selection and attentive customer service and look forward to more of the same in the future.

Eta: when will you be getting karishma back in stock?
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