Awwwww! Some parts of my hair


Well-Known Member
- the SIDES - is 3.5" long after 14 months - what's up with that????:wallbash:

When I was relaxed, my sides used to be healthier, it grew longer and was thicker. Now that I am natural my sides grow so slowly - it's now 14 months since my BC, and it measures only 3.5", and the ends are stringy. I am constantly tempted to clip, sometimes I give in, most times I ignore it but when I cut and shortly after the ends become stringy again, I get so frustrated!! The middle and back make me proud - I have no problems there! Anyone familiar with this problem and can provide some advice???????

I use heat 2X per year..., do not comb often..., DC, treat my hair well so I am pissed off the sides are so stubborn!!!
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Thats what my nape is like, not sure what helps though... I flatiron it to help it blend in so it doesn't curl up and snag on stuff and break... but if you don't like heat, I cant really think of anything...

Maybe you should wear satin scarves more often, especially when you sleep to protect the sides? If you are sleeping on that part you could be getting some significant breakage that is setting you back.

It might take time though, It has been 9 months and I only have 3 inches in my nape, and I may have to trim some of that off anyway..
Thanks for your response Aloo! I do sleep in silk and satin scarves. I rotate the sides I sleep on - both sides are short!! I am so angry - I can honestly say I do hate my hair right now - the SIDES!!!!

Thats what my nape is like, not sure what helps though... I flatiron it to help it blend in so it doesn't curl up and snag on stuff and break... but if you don't like heat, I cant really think of anything...

Maybe you should wear satin scarves more often, especially when you sleep to protect the sides? If you are sleeping on that part you could be getting some significant breakage that is setting you back.

It might take time though, It has been 9 months and I only have 3 inches in my nape, and I may have to trim some of that off anyway..
50 views and only one response????

am I being ignored? OR can no one relate to my situation????????????:ohwell:
I think they only came in cause they saw my name:lachen:

jk lol maybe they just went to OT, a lot of fun stuff going on there... they'll be back in the morning Im sure
Hi Mystic :wave:, I don't want you to feel ignored. Did those areas of your hair always grow slower? If not, you've got to see if and how it's breaking. Those areas may need tons more moisture than the rest of your hair. I get the thin ends too and broke down today and cut about an inch. I must admit I had some heat damage and I have not been babying my ends much either, but still I was hoping I could hold out for a trim till the end of the year.
50 views and only one response????

am I being ignored? OR can no one relate to my situation????????????:ohwell:

I can definitely relate. If I knew that answer, I wouldn't have that problem lol.... I'm going to put some serious work into my hair this summer... I've ignored it for much too long....
try some black jamaican castor oil, mixed with sulphur powder. my aunt had a bald spot, i mixed these two together and the spot is filling in nicely. i dont have measurements, just a tea spoon of powder and a few teaspoons of oil.... HTH

you can buy powder from:

oil from
My sides were a bit stubborn during my first 1.5 yr as a natural. I think you are doing the necessary things with your hair. Try adding in a stimulator for growth like peppermint oil + evoo for a massage treatment to the sides.

My main advice is to keep it moisturized, no excessive pulling, find out why your hair is breaking - because it is growing (a certain product could be the cause) I found out some parts of my head don't mix well with certain products.

Honestly I think being natural is a great journey and the first year or so is a bit rough :wallbash: because you are learning about your hair. The more it is growing out- you find products on your hair work now but won't work later. Be patient! Happy Hair Growing! The side will catch up---Mines did
I wasn't feeling the love there for a minute or two:lachen::lachen: - thanks SO much for responding!!

Neala21, this advice is great! and very encouraging. If the pattern will change in a year or two, I am looking forward to that.

My sides were a bit stubborn during my first 1.5 yr as a natural. I think you are doing the necessary things with your hair. Try adding in a stimulator for growth like peppermint oil + evoo for a massage treatment to the sides.

My main advice is to keep it moisturized, no excessive pulling, find out why your hair is breaking - because it is growing (a certain product could be the cause) I found out some parts of my head don't mix well with certain products.

Honestly I think being natural is a great journey and the first year or so is a bit rough :wallbash: I agree with this. I don't mind the journey at all I am just fed up with the sides but like you mentioned before, hopefully things will change within a year. Be patient! Happy Hair Growing! The side will catch up---Mines did
Awww, thanks!!!!

Hi Mystic :wave:, I don't want you to feel ignored. Did those areas of your hair always grow slower? If not, you've got to see if and how it's breaking. Those areas may need tons more moisture than the rest of your hair. I get the thin ends too and broke down today and cut about an inch. I must admit I had some heat damage and I have not been babying my ends much either, but still I was hoping I could hold out for a trim till the end of the year.

I appreciate that Hopeful!!!:lick: I never knew it grew so slowly when I was relaxed. The sides were the same length as the back, and the middle was the longest. Now it seems the back is the longest, the middle next and the sides and front the shortest:wallbash:. Maybe I am treating the whole head the same way but i might need to specialize in giving the sides more TLC and extra moisture. I would hate to have 10" in the back and only 2" on the sides:nono: - embarrassing!

Thanks for sharing - I really appreciate the input.
:lachen::lachen: too funny! I like your outspokenness Al00fone! and I so appreciate your input. Thanks for the note below!
I think they only came in cause they saw my name:lachen:

jk lol maybe they just went to OT, a lot of fun stuff going on there... they'll be back in the morning Im sure

Thanks Blaque! I have some JCO!! Thanks for the sulphur link..., going to order now asap. I do not have a bald spot though - are you saying this mixture will thicken the ends of my hair??

try some black jamaican castor oil, mixed with sulphur powder. my aunt had a bald spot, i mixed these two together and the spot is filling in nicely. i dont have measurements, just a tea spoon of powder and a few teaspoons of oil.... HTH

you can buy powder from:

oil from
I love your siggie pic! Maybe you are being rough at the sides? Like, I think when people brush or pick their hair, the sides and front end up getting it the worst. Are you wearing puffs a lot?
Hey, I'm having the same issue.

The sides are not growing any slower now that you're natural. It just seems that way because you started over. The sides probably grow very slowly, but there have been YEARS of growth so they caught up with the rest of your hair. You BC'ed so like I said before, you're starting over. It was shocking to me to see such short sides, but I realized when I looked at pictures of my little sisters as babies/toddlers that their sides were shorter then, but same length as the rest of their hair now.

So I say wait it out. Like someone else suggested, try castor oil. That will thicken the edges up and help with growth and length retention. I know it's frustrating, but patience is the key.
I love your siggie pic! Maybe you are being rough at the sides? Like, I think when people brush or pick their hair, the sides and front end up getting it the worst. Are you wearing puffs a lot?

This is so nice of you to say - I am one of your natural hair admirers:grin:
I didn't think I was rough with the sides but I will pay more attention to how I handle it. I do not use picks, etc., and rarely comb - once per week and then braid it up. I believe frustration and the constant clipping has something to do with the current length so I am going to start ignoring it, massaging the castor oil and see if it will turn around in 12 months.

Hey, I'm having the same issue.

The sides are not growing any slower now that you're natural. It just seems that way because you started over. The sides probably grow very slowly, but there have been YEARS of growth so they caught up with the rest of your hair. You BC'ed so like I said before, you're starting over. It was shocking to me to see such short sides, but I realized when I looked at pictures of my little sisters as babies/toddlers that their sides were shorter then, but same length as the rest of their hair now.

So I say wait it out. Like someone else suggested, try castor oil. That will thicken the edges up and help with growth and length retention. I know it's frustrating, but patience is the key.

Thanks RedRiot! It's nice to know I am not alone. Another natural head mentioned that the first 1.5 might be tough so I am going to take this to heart, and chill a bit. I wish the sides were responsive as the middle and back but...., I am going to exercise some patience.