Awesome new blog


Well-Known Member
I have many blogs bookmarked and I'm always on the look out for new ones...Just wanted to let you guys know of an awesome new blog for us product junkies! :spinning: :drunk: by CurlyNikki (some of you guys might know her from She's natural and has beautiful hair (4a/3c). She got me hooked on Henna and bunning.

She's an inspiration to many naturals and I love her twist-outs.

Here's the blog site:

If you guys can recommend any more blogs for me please post away :grin:
I absolutely love her hair. If I had hair like that I would remain natural for the rest of my life! :heart:
Thanks for posting BostonMaria! I love reading blogs too! Her hair is soooooo pretty! I love the wedding shot too.:grin::grin:
Yeah, I saw she started a blog. I was happy to see it, being a curly Nikki myself. :) Even though our "curly" is very different. Her hair is gorgeous, too. I just left her a comment.
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I could look at hair like that all day. Reminds me of V.Merie. I wish she still had a Fotki.

Man one day, I need to get the courage to start a blog too! I find that people who can share with the world what they do, how they do it are really courageous. Meanwhile I'm too chicken to put a pic up on LHCF *shaking head* I would be nervous that the blog is boring and I get no hits AND that I couldn't commit to updating the info frequently enough. Doesn't it take a lot of work?

Who else wants to start a blog but to chicken to do so?
hi bostonmaria! great post. if you don't mind could you share the other blogs you have bookmarked? i'd like to start reading more... TIA
I'm checking it out now. Here is an interesting quote from her blog:

In late 2006, I stopped flat ironing regularly. I decided that I was going to accept who I was, and so was everyone else! Since I stopped straightening, I no longer needed cones, so I adopted the Curly Girl method. Boy oh boy, did my hair begin to break! The cone-y products were hiding the years of damage- the repeated 400 degree flat-ironing sessions, the three highlighting experiences, and my ZERO moisture routine. My head was a mess. I had white dot breakage everywhere. My hair snapped off in bits and split like crazy. No products on this earth would've stopped the breakage- I had to suck it up and deal with the consequences of my actions. The women of and nappturality helped to nurse my hair back to health. I cut off the damage little by little- my micro trims continue to this day.

I learn something new everyday :yep:.

ETA: Also, her hair does something I've noticed with other naturals before: Her curls got looser as it got longer. There is a significant different between her short hair texture and her longer hair texture (and I'm not talking about the section that was straightened by the rollers).

ETA #2: I've been looking for a multivitamin, and she recommends one by Trader Joe's. I like Trader Joe's products, so I'm definately going to check it out :yay:.
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Nice Hair.
She does alot of lhcf-ish stuff.

haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.
haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.

WELCOME!!! If you haven't already, you should probably do a little newbie intro post- your blog rocks. :Copy of 2cool:

And umm :look: just ignore that little statement I made before about having someone new to stalk.... I'm no stalker. :sekret:
I could look at hair like that all day. Reminds me of V.Merie. I wish she still had a Fotki.

Man one day, I need to get the courage to start a blog too! I find that people who can share with the world what they do, how they do it are really courageous. Meanwhile I'm too chicken to put a pic up on LHCF *shaking head* I would be nervous that the blog is boring and I get no hits AND that I couldn't commit to updating the info frequently enough. Doesn't it take a lot of work?

Who else wants to start a blog but to chicken to do so?

I'm not too shy, just lazy/busy. Whenever I do have free time I squander it mercilessly on this site :look: Adding a blog that I would have to keep up with pics, videos/tutorials spotlights of other naturals (all the stuff most natural heads with blogs do) would be too much. I love to stalk other blogs though. :sekret:

And you hit the nail on the head with V.merie!!! I miss her fotki too :(
I saw this post on NC and I commented over there how beautiful her hair is. Incredible!! :gorgeous:
haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.

OMG how awesome!!!!! Ahahaha I'm so glad you joined!

BTW to the person that asked about what other blogs I frequent here they are:
haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.

Welcome :).
I wish I knew this V.Merie person! I'd love to see pics of her hair!

Thanks for the warm welcome ladies, I appreciate it :D
haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.
A-HA! I can tell a cousin from a mile away lol:grin:

Welcome! Your hair is very beautiful!
haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.

Welcome! Beautiful hair, beautiful lady. :)

OP, thanks for posting.
Hilarious!!! She was here all the time.....

Someone stated - as our hair gets longer the texture changes... Yup.Totally true.

Nikki! Good stuff mama...

I am hiding out for a while.......... school is craaaazaaaay..
nice blog. I like the one members hair, she's the one in the picture with the combed out afro, God bless her with her beautiful, bountiful hair:yep:. she needs to give me some of that hair!:lachen:
haha! Because I was a lurker:lurking:

BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! I subscribed today!!!

You ladies are too sweet! Thanks a million for all of the love and support. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you too BostonMaria!!! I love your hair too.

OMG, we went to the same school for undergrad. I know all about that Super Walmart girl!!!! and I'm sure you know about Pancake City. But back on topic your site is great.
Thanks ladies!!!!!

And Ms. Lala, I know alllll about the Pancake $hitty ;) What year did you graduate? I got there in 2001 and graduated in '05.

I'm happy you guys are enjoying the blog! Spread the word :D
Thanks ladies!!!!!

And Ms. Lala, I know alllll about the Pancake $hitty ;) What year did you graduate? I got there in 2001 and graduated in '05.

I'm happy you guys are enjoying the blog! Spread the word :D

Let's just say I was gone b4 you got there. I'll pm you.
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