Awesome godtube video / made me cry


Well-Known Member
Someone sent this to me. I prejudged it at the beginning thinking it was going to be ordinary but by the end I was at my desk crying from joy. It has audio to it.

It's a young girl who starts her life off with Christ, then gets off course by the cares of life and fights to find her way back to Him. Watching her fight to get back the Christ had me clapping and cheering and how He restored her just made me smile and weep. I'll never understand the love that He has for man. It's so unconditional and can't be compared to anything in or out of this world. I hope you all enjoy it.
Beautiful. Just absolutely, awesomely beautiful. That made me cry too. I think alot of us experience this at one point or another in our lives. Knowing that God is fighting for us is so comforting. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.
This is a wonderful video!! I had tears flowing as well. It makes ytou think all he has and is continuing to do for us.
Someone sent this to me. I prejudged it at the beginning thinking it was going to be ordinary but by the end I was at my desk crying from joy. It has audio to it.

It's a young girl who starts her life off with Christ, then gets off course by the cares of life and fights to find her way back to Him. Watching her fight to get back the Christ had me clapping and cheering and how He restored her just made me smile and weep. I'll never understand the love that He has for man. It's so unconditional and can't be compared to anything in or out of this world. I hope you all enjoy it.

You know, there is actually a scripture in the bible that speaks on this. I wonder the same thing sometimes, "Why does He love us so much?" Really, we haven't done anything to deserve it but he still does. I am glad for that.:yep:
THat video was so amazing. I don't know why but it made me cry too. It made me think of all the things in life that distract us from God, like the internet, friends, tv, relationships, parties. I felt very inspired to do the right thing in my life and think that is how my life must've been when you actually see it in the form of a skit. I think the video glorified God very much.:yep: