Avoiding the Games that Keep Black Women Single

Some of it just made me downright angry.

I tell my DH, if he dies before me, I will not date, nor marry. I refuse to even try to jump back out there. We have been married for 13 years and from what I see my friends going through and read about the crazy antics that women on this board are dealing with, I will not deal with this mess. Hopefully, I will have grand children one day and enjoy them. I would also like to travel, maybe go back to school and get an MSW, take up quilting, jewelry making, sewing, and anything else that will keep me busy. I know how to occupy my time very well. In fact, when I met my DH, I was so engrossed living my life until I almost missed getting involved with him. He told me that that was one of the things that he liked about me. I wasn't sweating him for an instant relationship.

Glib and the rest of you ladies, hold your head up and live your life to the absolute fullest. If a man has the audacity to quote even one of these sayings, kick ol' guy to the curb and run for the hills. (What kind of women would even deal with this downright foolishness anyway)? It's better to be alone and have peace of mind than to settle and marry the wrong man and end up being super miserable.:nono:::perplexed:perplexed
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The crazy thing about this is that sooooo many black women say these things to other black women, especially on this board