Avocado DC lifer!!!


New Member
I did my first avocado DC Sunday night. I mixed 1/2 ripe avocado with my conditioner. I loved it. My problem was that I'm an idiot and didn't mash it quite enough. Last night I was still pulling avocado out of my hair. My hair generally tangles and I usually have to use my Silk Elements Silken Child detangler after showering. However, for the first time, I didn't need too. The only matted sections were the avocado sections. :wallbash:

I also did not need oil or anything else after the rinse.

Bottom Line: I'm hooked but will definitely blend it properly next time.
OP I love avocado conditioners I've been using it for the past 2mons now, avocado, coconut milk and honey, sometimes an egg. I went to walmart and bought a person size blender for $12 and it whips the mix up great, I don't have to deal with the strings from the avocado.
Hey I did this last night for the second time on dry hair.

1 avocado
some left over egg yoke
1 egg
some Olive oil, water, and Castor Oil to blend

I liked it better this time. I think b/c I didn't do a hard core protein treatment on my hair.
Thanks for sharing! Avocado DC-ing has been on my mind lately. I have yet to try it. Marking my calendar for next month. :grinwink:
Yeppers^^^..i love avocado (homemade) cond. with honey, banana (babyfood org.) and oils mixed in my blender...=HAPPY HAIR!
I did my first avocado DC Sunday night. I mixed 1/2 ripe avocado with my conditioner. I loved it. My problem was that I'm an idiot and didn't mash it quite enough. Last night I was still pulling avocado out of my hair. My hair generally tangles and I usually have to use my Silk Elements Silken Child detangler after showering. However, for the first time, I didn't need too. The only matted sections were the avocado sections. :wallbash:

I also did not need oil or anything else after the rinse.

Bottom Line: I'm hooked but will definitely blend it properly next time.
i love it too....
suggestion, put it in a blender until smooth and you won't have that problem... you may have to add a little water though, not to much