Aveda's Anti-Humectant Pomade


Well-Known Member
Aveda\'s Anti-Humectant Pomade

I bought this pomade a while back and just started using it. Is it just me, whenever I use it, I seem to lose more hair esp when I comb it. It cost me 15 bucks and I feel like I've wasted money. Does anyone else have opinions on this product.
Re: Aveda\'s Anti-Humectant Pomade

I'm think that that might make sense seeing as how it's an anit-humectant. I have this stuff too and usually add a dab when I need to add some shine to a straight style. I don't use too much as I find the scent a little bit annyoing. However the fact that this stuff decreases moisture in your hair it might encourage breakage. I wouldn't use this stuff everyday. That's just my opinion. You may get differing advice as different things work for different people.

Hope that helps.
