

New Member
Has anyone tried Aveda? I'm particularly interested in the Brilliant line, Be Curly Lotion, and the Elixir leave in but all reviews are welcome!
I tried the Elixir and didn't really like it that much... I was hoping it would really give a lot of slip due to the (water-soluble) silicone in it, but no such luck. Plus, I don't really like the way it smells, really strong and herbally, but not in a nice herbal way (for me at least). I gave it to my mom :)

I really like the Hair Detoxifier though as a clarifying shampoo. It's not drying at all, really, really gentle. It has that same strong smell though.
I've used the Leave In Elixer. It does have a strong "woodsy" herbal smell, I didn't tmind the smell. It just didn't give enough moisture so I went back to Humectress.
I love Aveda products! I use their detangler (it's ok, but I love the smell and the ingredients in it), the cherry almond bark conditoner (love it, but haven't bought it in awhile because it's pricey), and the hair detoxifier every 5-6 weeks (love it. I just smooth it onto my hair and scalp and let it work. I don't lather, and my hair still gets clean).

However, I swear by this product:


When my old stylist first showed me what she was using, I thought she was absolutely nuts. But I bought a bottle and I LOVE it. She told me that if you deep condition well enough, you don't need to coat your hair strands with all kinds of greasy products (which I eventually heard again here). She told me to massage this onto my scalp a couple of times per week, and smooth onto my hair for shine as needed. I do just that. I use it for my rollersets to lock in moisture before going under the dryer, and then once it's dry, I rub it on for sheen. It never weighs my hair down, and it's not greasy at all.
Wow Lauren! I love your shine! I wouldn't have known how this works without hearing about from you - I'll have to check that out!

I've been using the Aveda Brilliant Anti-Humectant (for humidity) and Aveda Brilliant Spray on Shine. Great products! :up:
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I used to use the thermal creme from the brilliant line--didn't use it for heat though, i used to put it in my hair whenever i would put in two strand twist--it kept my hair really moisterized......matter of fact i'm gonna go buy some, haven't bought it in a long time.:p
I love Aveda. I am a PJ, but I like all the products listed + Sap Moss and the relatively new Elixer Leave-in and Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer. They're pretty free w/samples especially if you sign up to receive announcements,etc.
I tried the Sap Moss line & I didn't like it much....I'm glad I bought the trial sizes. I plan on trying some more of their products in the near future.
I've tried all the products you mentioned, as well as Sap Moss, Light Elements and the leave-in conditioner. I like all the products except the Be Curly which did nothing good for my hair-- I will be taking it back for a replacement.

I love the Sap Moss and Brilliant fragrances. I use the Brilliant products only when I flatiron my hair, which is rare.
I've been using the Scalp Benifits poo and conditioner, gel, and Leave in conditioner for about a week and I love it. My hair feels great and looks really good too. I really love the gel it does not get hard and is easy to comb out without tearing the hair out and with no flakes. But for $14 dollars it should be great. I spent about $60 on 4 product but I believe they are worth it. The sales person that assisted me says that in 5 years of using the products she had not had one split end and her hair looked wonderful.:)
dlewis said:
I've been using the Scalp Benifits poo and conditioner, gel, and Leave in conditioner for about a week and I love it. My hair feels great and looks really good too. I really love the gel it does not get hard and is easy to comb out without tearing the hair out and with no flakes. But for $14 dollars it should be great. I spent about $60 on 4 product but I believe they are worth it. The sales person that assisted me says that in 5 years of using the products she had not had one split end and her hair looked wonderful.:)

Wow, that's great. Now I see why MizaniMami didn't have any split ends either:eek:
dlewis said:
I've been using the Scalp Benifits poo and conditioner, gel, and Leave in conditioner for about a week and I love it. My hair feels great and looks really good too. I really love the gel it does not get hard and is easy to comb out without tearing the hair out and with no flakes. But for $14 dollars it should be great. I spent about $60 on 4 product but I believe they are worth it. The sales person that assisted me says that in 5 years of using the products she had not had one split end and her hair looked wonderful.:)

How are you using the gel Dlewis?
I use Aveda Elixir and the Be Curly curl enhancer and it does my hair really good. I then top it off w/ IC Fantasia Clear Gel with aloe vera.

I really like how it makes my hair feel. The combined smell isn't bad either. I normally squirt Elixir in my hand and then the Be Curly, rub together and run through my hair while still in the shower. I then put a towel on it (I don't rub at all) to catch the drippies and then apply the clear gel before I put on a headband or let my hair just go FREE!


Super_Hero_Girl said:
I've heard many raves about the elixer as a leave-in from many naturals. I'm tempted to try it, but I haven't yet.